- Carter, Robert-Trissel (1940) The
Phase Behavior of the Methane-Propane-N-Pentane System; 10.7907/f0mm-3b35
- Pressman, David (1937) The
Effect of Mercury on the Quantitative Bromination of Unsaturated
Compounds; 10.7907/qa31-qw92
- Preble, Bennett (1928) The
Suitability of Some California Grown Eucalypts for Paper Pulp; 10.7907/R013-E503
- Ewing, Frederick Junior (1927) Investigation
on the Possibility of Differential Reduction from the Standpoint of
Oxidation-Reduction Potentials; 10.7907/JSKE-7E31
- Datin, Richard Clyde (1927) The
Bromination of Para-Cresol in the Presence of Strong Acids; 10.7907/93SS-KP67
- Stone, Donald Stuart (1927) The
Catalytic Effect of Osmium Tetroxide on the Oxidation of Hydrazine by
Potassium Chlorate; 10.7907/0HWT-WM67
- Thompson, Donald Raw (1927) The
Preparation of 2 Heptanol and Investigations into Methods for the
Preparation of Alpha Napthylisocyanate as Preliminary Syntheses for the
Determination of the Properties of the Urethanes of Four Isomeric Heptyl
Alcohols; 10.7907/BXR2-1T52
- Schultz, Murray Navarre (1927) The
Sulfonation of Ortho Toluidine and the Preparation of Sodium
6-Chloro-5-Nitro-Meta-Tolene Sulfonate; 10.7907/7QT9-YD51
- Ball, Alpheus M. and Fahs, John Louis (1926) A
Method for the Manufacture of Phosphate Fertilizer; 10.7907/2X6M-P768
- Voelker, Joachim Frank (1926) Acrolein
and Certain of its Derivatives; 10.7907/XRXX-CE73
- Carter, James Maurice (1926) Catalytic
Effect of Ruthenium Compound on the Reduction of Perchloric Acid by
Hydrobromic Acid; 10.7907/3QJZ-MK77
- Wisegarver, Burnett Blanchard (1926) Preparation
and Attempted Resolution of Benzoyl-Malic Acid; 10.7907/NWAK-8C64
- Yang, Kai-Jin (1926) Recovery
of Ferrous Sulfate Crystals From Pickling Liquor; 10.7907/2ZVZ-8361
- Valby, Edgar Peterson (1926) The
Ionization Constant of Para Cyanobenzoic Acid; 10.7907/ZFK9-ZQ29
- Schott, Hermann Franz (1926) The
Molal Reduction Potential of a Selenium and the Free Energy of Selenious
Acids From Equilibrium Measurements; 10.7907/6VJG-TD52
- Ranney, Kenneth Wyckoff (1925) A
Fusion Method for the Production of Sodium Fluoride; 10.7907/3vz0-2w58
- Sheffield, Harold Clough (1925) A
Method for the Production of Barium Hydroxide from Barytes; 10.7907/tdct-qz72
- Hess, Ben Ewart (1925) A
Method for the Recovery of Alumina and other Valuable Constituents from
Clay; 10.7907/vqd3-jm20
- Banks, Sydney Allen (1925) A
Study of a Grid Failure in Lead Storage Batteries; 10.7907/X0K9-4V54
- Simpson, Thomas Patrick (1925) A
Study of the Unsaturation of 2-Bromo Butane; 10.7907/q12t-z316
- Dalton, Robert Hennah (1925) A
System of Qualitative Analysis for Tellurium, Molybdenum, Iridium,
Rhodium and the Copper Group Elements; 10.7907/fy0b-7v23
- Prentice, Leland Busby (1925) Dehydration
of Alcohol by Potassium Carbonate; 10.7907/ADR8-HW51
- Allen, William Head (1925) Oxidation
of Valeric Acid; 10.7907/ZK8H-KX74
- Dillon, Robert Troutman (1925) The
Addition of a Halogen Hydride to 3-Heptene; 10.7907/WGN6-SW81
- Shafer, Edgar Esterly, Jr. (1925) The
Benzoylation of Malic Acid; 10.7907/vqh5-gw80
- Hart, Edward Whipple (1925) The
Bromination of Para-Cresol in the Presence of Strong Acids; 10.7907/dm40-6b05
- Ferkel, Albert Jefferson (1925) The
Extraction and Precipitation of Pectin; 10.7907/ehz1-ee02
- Adams, Horace Chamberlin (1925) The
Production of Percholoric Acid; 10.7907/T21P-8B78
- Diack, Samuel Latta (1925) The
Reduction of Tungstic Oxide to Tungsten; 10.7907/MY81-ET78
- Stewart, Earl Deloris (1925) The
Sandmeyer Reaction (Nitrile) with P-Toluidin-Meta-Sulfonic Acid; 10.7907/zwan-w729
- Jenkins, Grant Vincent (1924) A
Study of the Bromination of Paracresol in Water Solution and in
Hydrochloric Acid; 10.7907/V00G-WY31
- Hastings, Robert Clinton (1924) An
Investigation of the Effect of Varying Viscosity and Velocity on the
Transfer of Heat Under Conditions of Straight Line Flow in Circular
Pipes; 10.7907/3QPD-7B19
- Magill, Paul Lafrone (1924) Equilibrium
in the System Hydrogen, Water Vapor and the Oxides of Tin; 10.7907/GHDG-PP88
- Kalichevsky, Vladimir Anatole (1924) Manufacturing
of Perchloric Acid; 10.7907/8R89-GH11
- Farnham, Harold Hurst (1924) Oxidation
of Butyric Acid with Chromic Anhydride and Sulfuric Acid; 10.7907/414Y-PZ45
- Hough, Frederic Allen (1924) The
Dissociation Pressure of Stannous Sulfate; 10.7907/5NDY-QS02
- Miller, Palmer (1924) The
Electromotive-Force of Cells Containing Stannous Sulphate and Stannic
Oxide; 10.7907/H0XD-1T68
- Mayer, Joseph Edward (1924) The
Free Energy of Aqueous Sulfuric Acid; 10.7907/TX6K-AK35
- Wolochow, David (1924) The
Manufacture of Tungstic Acid from Scheelite; 10.7907/DAGK-9119
- Baxter, Warren Phelps (1924) The
Precipitation of Iron as a Basic Acetate; 10.7907/X6WW-PV88
- Tracy, Willard Harmon (1924) The
Rate of Oxidation of Hydriodic Acid by Sulphuric Acid; 10.7907/MSN0-6E90
- Jameson, Archibald Yule (1924) The
Rearrangement of 1-Bromobutane; 10.7907/1TX9-VR87
- Moyse, Hollis Weaver (1924) The
Saturation of 2 Pentene with Hydrogen Bromide; 10.7907/ABQD-8M14
- Alcock, Joseph Rodney (1923) A
Method for the Preparation of Oxalic Acid From Sawdust; 10.7907/256R-2144
- Evans, Bernard Gwynne (1923) An
Investigation into the Possibilities of the Electrolytic Production of
Methyl Alcohol from Formaldehyde; 10.7907/XZTB-YR70
- Hopper, Basil (1923) Methods
for the Production of Lithium Carbonate from Lipidolite; 10.7907/CCFS-JG79
- Nies, Henry Todd (1923) The
Extraction of Gallium from Zinc Ores; 10.7907/A9T6-E248
- Baier, Willard Ewing (1923) The
Extraction of Orange Oil with Volatile Solvents; 10.7907/YTJZ-YV74
- Kuffel, George Cole (1923) The
Production of Caustic Soda Solution from Trona; 10.7907/R9VQ-3S68
- Ritchie, Charles Fisher (1922) A
Colorimetric Determination of Hydrocyanic Acid; 10.7907/WNXG-ZT76
- Alles, Gordon Albert (1922) A New
Acridine Dye; 10.7907/BDX6-MF14
- Bridgeford, Frank Robert (1922) A
Process for the Utilization of Pyrite Ash; 10.7907/P747-5S86
- Maurer, Frederic Andrew (1922) A
Study of the Production of Sodium Perchlorate Electrolytically; 10.7907/N86F-JR54
- Gillies, Robert W. (1922) An
Attempt to Dehydrogenate Cottonseed Oil; 10.7907/6E4J-V604
- Ritchie, Charles Fisher (1922) An
Investigation on the Production of Sodium Thiosulfate from Trona; 10.7907/Y01W-T284
- Knight, Alfred Wheelock (1922) Perchloric
Acid from Ammonium Perchlorate and Oxides of Nitrogen; 10.7907/MTDD-R892
- Burks, Jesse Carhart (1922) Semi-Works
Development of a Germanium Extraction Process; 10.7907/TE5X-TQ90
- Hill, James Ewing (1922) The
Distribution of Picric Acid Between Water and Benzene and the Effect on
the Equilibrium of Added Sodium and Hydrogen Chlorides; 10.7907/DZW2-0R55
- Beman, Willard Jarvis (1922) The
Lowig Process for Caustic Soda Using Trona as a Raw Material; 10.7907/6J5Q-Z168
- Vesper, Howard Gockley (1922) The
Preparation of Carbon Monosulphide and Hydrocyanic Acid by the Use of
Activated Carbon; 10.7907/HXNR-JN80
- Warner, Lester Orville (1922) The
Reaction Between Nitrogen and Methane in the Silent Electric
Discharge; 10.7907/576e-8q34
- Ames, Paul Russell (1922) The
Specific Heat Capacity of Heavy Petroleum Products; 10.7907/5C9C-MH72
- Reynolds, Maynard Stuckey (1922) The
Utilization of a Deposit of Magnesite Located Near Porterville,
California as a Source of Raw Material for the Manufacture of C.P. Epsom
Salts; 10.7907/K4AH-1W74
- Stenzel, Richard Werner (1921) A
Method for the Preparation of Perchloric Acid; 10.7907/Z1NE-DB82
- Stamm, Alfred Joaquin (1921) A
Study of the Nature of the Adsorptive Property of Fuller’s Earth; 10.7907/azp4-y170
- Simpson, Charles Fillmore (1921) Some
Silver Salts of Brominate Phenols and Napthols. The Action of Potassium
and Butyl Alcohol on Amines; 10.7907/3EKX-NW09
- Clarke, Philip Seymour (1921) The
Extracting of Germanium from Crude Oxide; 10.7907/XZ1Y-JE25
- House, Harvey Walter (1920) The
Dehydrogenation of Cotton Seed Oil; 10.7907/h8am-bw96
- Beuschlein, Warren L. (1919) The
Electrolytic Reduction of Sodium Nitrate to Sodium Nitrite; 10.7907/kxfg-f833
- Hartley, Joseph Frederick (1918) An
Equipment for Determining the Relative Viscosity of Aqueous
Solutions; 10.7907/my4k-wt64
- Flory, Robert Weybright (1918) I.
Action of Hydrogen Peroxide on Aromatic Compounds. II. An Attempt to
Prepare Di-Para-Di-Amino-Para-Diphenylbenzene; 10.7907/zka7-6m70
- Nutt, Donovan (1918) The
Equilibrium Between Cuprous and Cupric Ions and Copper; 10.7907/nxx1-4431
- Capra, Frank Russell (1918) The
Equivalent Conductance of Solutions of Picric Acid; 10.7907/6Z0C-0639
- Steele, James P. (1918) The
Silver Salts of Tetrabromphenol; 10.7907/cjev-mb95
- Sticht, Robert Carl, Jr. (1918) The
Specific Electrode Potential of Bismuth; 10.7907/2wr9-sr76
- Kirschman, H. Darwin (1918) The
Vapor Pressure of Hydrogen Chloride Above its Aqueous Solution; 10.7907/zdvc-9r83
- Kemp, Archie Reed (1917) The
Determination of Silver in Organic Compounds. The Silver Salts of
Pentabromophenol; 10.7907/k6gy-t596