(Caltech Theory)
Sections from CaltechAUTHORS
- Kapustin, Anton (2024) Topological
Phases of Matter and Homotopy Theory; ISBN 978-0-323-95706-9;
Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics; Elsevier: Amsterdam; Encyclopedia
of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 1; 106-110; 10.1016/b978-0-323-95703-8.00048-3
- de Fine Licht, Johannes; Pattison, Christopher A.; et al. (2022) Fast
Arbitrary Precision Floating Point on FPGA; ISBN 978-1-6654-8332-2;
2022 IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable
Custom Computing Machines (FCCM); IEEE: Piscataway, NJ; 1-9; 10.1109/fccm53951.2022.9786219
- Abdul-Rahman, Houssam; Lemm, Marius; et al. (2020) A
class of two-dimensional AKLT models with a gap; ISBN
978-1-4704-4841-7; Analytic Trends in Mathematical Physics; American
Mathematical Society: Providence, RI; 1-21; 10.1090/conm/741/14917
- Gomez Casajus, Luis; Lainey, Valéry; et al. (2019) Detection
of rapid orbital expansion of Saturn’s moon Titan
- Carroll, Sean M. and Singh, Ashmeet (2019) Mad-Dog
Everettianism: Quantum Mechanics at Its Most Minimal; ISBN
978-3-030-11300-1; What is Fundamental?; Springer: Cham; 95-104; 10.1007/978-3-030-11301-8_10
- Preskill, John (2018) Simulating
quantum field theory with a quantum computer; 10.48550/arXiv.1811.10085
- Ciosmak, Paweł; Hadasz, Leszek; et al. (2018) Singular
vector structure of quantum curves; ISBN 978-1-4704-3541-7;
Topological Recursion and its Influence in Analysis, Geometry, and
Topology; American Mathematical Society: Providence, RI; 119-149; 10.1090/pspum/100/01766
- Pablo, H.; Richardson, N. D.; et al. (2017) The
power of heartbeats through the lens of ι Orionis; ISBN
978-83-938279-6-1; Second BRITE-Constellation Science Conference - Small
satellites - big science; Polish Astronomical Society: Warsaw, Poland;
- An, Haipeng; Ni, Kaixuan; et al. (2016) Direct
detection prospects of dark vectors with xenon-based dark matter
experiments; 10.22323/1.234.0397
- Gukov, Sergei (2015) Surface
Operators; ISBN 978-3-319-18768-6; New Dualities of Supersymmetric
Gauge Theories; Springer: Cham, Switzerland; 223-259; 10.1007/978-3-319-18769-3_8
- Nakayama, Yu (2015) Determining
the order of chiral phase transition in QCD from conformal
bootstrap; 10.22323/1.251.0002
- Nakayama, Yu (2015) IR
fixed points and conformal window in SU(3) gauge Theories; 10.22323/1.251.0218
- Radice, David; Rezzolla, Luciano; et al. (2015) High-Order
Numerical-Relativity Simulations of Binary Neutron Stars; ISBN
978-1-58381-880-0; Numerical Modelling of Space Plasma Flows: Astronum
2014; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 121-126;
- Carroll, Sean M. and Sebens, Charles T. (2014) Many
Worlds, the Born Rule, and Self-Locating Uncertainty; ISBN
978-88-470-5216-1; Quantum Theory: A Two-Time Success Story; Springer:
Milan; 157-169; 10.1007/978-88-470-5217-8_10