Ampuero Saenz, Jean Paul
- Tsuda, Kenichi and Iwase, Satoshi, el al. (2018) Dynamic Rupture Simulations Based on the Characterized Source Model of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake; ISBN 978-3-319-72708-0; Best Practices in Physics-based Fault Rupture Models for Seismic Hazard Assessment of Nuclear Installations; 33-44; 10.1007/s00024-016-1446-1
- Luo, Yingdi and Ampuero, Jean-Paul, el al. (2017) Surface Rupture Effects on Earthquake Moment-Area Scaling Relations; ISBN 978-3-319-72708-0; Best Practices in Physics-based Fault Rupture Models for Seismic Hazard Assessment of Nuclear Installations; 7-18; 10.1007/978-3-319-72709-7_2
- Ampuero, Jean Paul and Mao, Xiaolin (2017) Upper limit on damage zone thickness controlled by seismogenic depth; ISBN 978-1-119-15688-8; Fault Zone Dynamic Processes: Evolution of Fault Properties During Seismic Rupture; 243-254; 10.1002/9781119156895.ch13
- Mai, P. Martin and Ripperger, J., el al. (2006) Frontiers in Source Modeling for Near-Source Ground-Motion Prediction; ISBN 9782720824654; Third International symposium on the effects of surface geology on seismic motion; 1-17
- Moczo, Peter and Ampuero, Jean Paul, el al. (2006) Comparison of Numerical Methods for Seismic Wave Propagation and Source Dynamics - the SPICE Code Validation; ISBN 9782720824654; Third International Symposium on the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion; 1-10
- Madariaga, R. and Ampuero, J. P., el al. (2006) Seismic Radiation From Simple Models of Earthquakes; ISBN 9780875904351; Earthquakes: radiated energy and the physics of faulting; 223-236; 10.1029/170GM23
- Ampuero, J.-P. and Ripperger, J., el al. (2006) Properties of Dynamic Earthquake Ruptures With Heterogeneous Stress Drop; ISBN 9780875904351; Earthquakes: Radiated Energy and the Physics of Faulting; 255-261; 10.1029/170GM25
- Ampuero, J.-P. (2005) Effects of non-linear weakening on earthquake source scalings; ISBN 9781402054235; Honour and Plenary Lectures Presented at the 11th International Conference on Fracture (ICF11); 1-5