Barr, Alan
- Petrasek, Danny and Barr, Alan, el al. (2010) The virtual hospital: the emergence of telemedicine; ISBN 978-1-60558-903-9; CASES '10 Proceedings of the 2010 international conference on Compilers, architectures and synthesis for embedded systems; 53; 10.1145/1878921.1878930
- Barr, Alan H. (2010) Parsimonious information technologies for pixels, perception, wetware and simulation: issues for Petrasek's global virtual hospital system; ISBN 978-1-60558-903-9; CASES '10 Proceedings of the 2010 international conference on Compilers, architectures and synthesis for embedded systems; 55; 10.1145/1878921.1878931
- Fontaine, Ebraheem and Burdick, Joel, el al. (2006) Automated Tracking of Multiple C. Elegans; ISBN 978-1-4244-0032-4; 2006 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; 574-577; 10.1109/IEMBS.2006.260657
- Zhukov, Leonid and Barr, Alan H. (2003) Heart-muscle fiber reconstruction from diffusion tensor MRI; ISBN 0780381203; IEEE Visualization, 2003. VIS 2003. Seattle, WA, 19-24 October 2003; 597-602; 10.1109/VISUAL.2003.1250425
- Meyer, Mark and Desbrun, Mathieu, el al. (2003) Discrete Differential-Geometry Operators for Triangulated 2-Manifolds; ISBN 978-3-642-05682-6; Visualization and Mathematics III; 35-57; 10.1007/978-3-662-05105-4_2
- Museth, Ken and Breen, David E., el al. (2002) Level set surface editing operators; ISBN 1-58113-521-1; SIGGRAPH '02 Proceedings of the 29th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 330-338; 10.1145/566570.566585
- Zhukov, Leonid and Barr, Alan H. (2002) Oriented tensor reconstruction: tracing neural pathways from diffusion tensor MRI; ISBN 0780374983; IEEE Visualization (VIS 2002), Boston, MA, 27 October-1 November 2002; 387-394; 10.1109/VISUAL.2002.1183799
- Gavriliu, Marcel and Carranza, Joel, el al. (2001) Fast extraction of adaptive multiresolution meshes with guaranteed properties from volumetric data; ISBN 0-7803-7201-8; VIS '01 Proceedings of the conference on Visualization '01; 295-303; 10.1109/VISUAL.2001.964524
- Museth, Ken and Barr, Alan, el al. (2001) Semi-immersive space mission design and visualization: case study of the "terrestrial planet finder" mission; ISBN 0-7803-7201-8; Visualization, 2001. VIS '01. Proceedings; 501-504; 10.1109/VISUAL.2001.964562
- Debunne, Gilles and Desbrun, Mathieu, el al. (2001) Dynamic Real-Time Deformations using Space & Time Adaptive Sampling; ISBN 1-58113-374-X; SIGGRAPH '01 Proceedings of the 28th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 31-36; 10.1145/383259.383262
- Desbrun, Mathieu and Meyer, Mark, el al. (1999) Implicit Fairing of Irregular Meshes using Diffusion and Curvature Flow; ISBN 0-201-48560-5; SIGGRAPH '99 Proceedings of the 26th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 317-324; 10.1145/311535.311576
- Meyer, Mark and Barr, Alan H. (1999) ALCOVE: design and implementation of an object-centric virtual environment; ISBN 0-7695-0093-5; IEEE Virtual Reality: Proceedings; 46-52; 10.1109/VR.1999.756922
- Barr, Alan H. (1998) Global and local deformations of solid primitives; ISBN 1-58113-052-X; Seminal graphics; 221-230; 10.1145/280811.280998
- Ramamoorthi, Ravi and Barr, Alan H. (1997) Fast construction of accurate quaternion splines; ISBN 0-89791-896-7; SIGGRAPH '97 Proceedings of the 24th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 287-292; 10.1145/258734.258870
- Fleischer, Kurt W. and Laidlaw, David H., el al. (1995) Cellular texture generation; ISBN 0-89791-701-4; SIGGRAPH '95 Proceedings of the 22nd annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 239-248; 10.1145/218380.218447
- Zorin, Denis and Barr, Alan H. (1995) Correction of geometric perceptual distortions in pictures; ISBN 0-89791-701-4; SIGGRAPH '95 Proceedings of the 22nd annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 257-264; 10.1145/218380.218449
- Barr, Alan H. and Currin, Bena, el al. (1992) Smooth interpolation of orientations with angular velocity constraints using quaternions; ISBN 0-89791-479-1; SIGGRAPH '92 Proceedings of the 19th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 313-320; 10.1145/133994.134086
- Kirk, David and Fleischer, Kurt, el al. (1992) Constrained Optimization Applied to the Parameter Setting Problem for Analog Circuits; ISBN 1-55860-222-4; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4 (NIPS 1991); 789-796
- Kalra, Devendra and Barr, Alan H. (1992) A Unified Framework for Constraint-Based Modeling; ISBN 9784431682066; Visual Computing: Integrating Computer Graphics with Computer Vision; 675-696; 10.1007/978-4-431-68204-2_41
- Barr, Alan H. (1991) Teleological computer graphics modeling; ISBN 0-8186-2148-6; 1991 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Proceedings; 2-2; 10.1109/CVPR.1991.139650
- Von Herzen, Brian and Barr, Alan H., el al. (1990) Geometric collisions for time-dependent parametric surfaces; ISBN 0-89791-344-2; SIGGRAPH '90 Proceedings of the 17th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 39-48; 10.1145/97879.97883
- Terzopoulos, Demetri and Platt, John, el al. (1989) Physically-based modeling: past, present, and future; ISBN 0-89791-353-1; SIGGRAPH '89 ACM SIGGRAPH 89 Panel Proceedings; 191-209; 10.1145/77276.77287
- Kalra, Devendra and Barr, Alan H. (1989) Guaranteed ray intersections with implicit surfaces; ISBN 0-89791-312-4; SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings of the 16th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 297-306; 10.1145/74333.74364
- Barzel, Ronen and Barr, Alan H. (1988) A modeling system based on dynamic constraints; ISBN 0-89791-275-6; SIGGRAPH '88 Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 179-188; 10.1145/54852.378509
- Platt, John C. and Barr, Alan H. (1988) Constraints methods for flexible models; ISBN 0-89791-275-6; SIGGRAPH '88 Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 279-288; 10.1145/54852.378524
- Platt, John C. and Barr, Alan H. (1988) Constrained Differential Optimization; ISBN 0883185695; Neural Information Processing Systems; 612-621
- Witkin, Andrew and Fleischer, Kurt, el al. (1987) Energy constraints on parameterized models; ISBN 0-89791-227-6; SIGGRAPH '87 Proceedings of the 14th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 225-232; 10.1145/37401.37429
- Snyder, John M. and Barr, Alan H. (1987) Ray tracing complex models containing surface tessellations; ISBN 0-89791-227-6; SIGGRAPH '87 Proceedings of the 14th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 119-128; 10.1145/37401.37417
- Von Herzen, Brian and Barr, Alan H. (1987) Accurate triangulations of deformed, intersecting surfaces; ISBN 0-89791-227-6; SIGGRAPH '87 Proceedings of the 14th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 103-110; 10.1145/37401.37415
- Barr, Alan H. (1984) Global and local deformations of solid primitives; ISBN 0-89791-138-5; SIGGRAPH '84 Proceedings of the 11th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 21-30; 10.1145/800031.808573