Breger, Louis
- Breger, Louis (2015) Invited Review of Becoming Freud: The Making of a Psychoanalyst, by Adam Phillips; Psychodynamic Psychiatry; Vol. 43; No. 2; 291-305; 10.1521/pdps.2015.43.2.291
- Breger, Louis (1982) Crime and punishment: a psychoanalytic reading; 10.7907/dc7cz-yza54
- Breger, Louis (1980) Some metaphysical types met with in psychoanalytic theory; 10.7907/jyt1t-p3165
- Breger, Louis (1980) Freud conventionalized; 10.7907/ep5hr-gf802
- Breger, Louis (1979) The manifest dream and its latent meaning; 10.7907/0kyb9-xx321
- Breger, Louis (1978) The case of Schreber : bisexuality, autonomy and authority; 10.7907/h2fe5-9xj56
- Breger, Louis (1978) The theory of sexuality; 10.7907/kttbn-raa88
- Breger, Louis (1978) On reading Freud; 10.7907/n47n8-7bm84
- Breger, Louis (1978) Paradigms old and new; 10.7907/nzxwk-nfe33
- Breger, Louis (1978) Psychoanalysis is not science; 10.7907/sgdet-p4n50
- Breger, Louis (1978) Aggression, death and civilization's discontents; 10.7907/b69cv-08d65