Gould, Roy W.
- Gould, R. W. and Yariv, A., el al. (1970) Final Review Report to U.S. Office of Naval Research from California Institute of Technology; 10.7907/AHH4-0607
- Bauer, L. O. and Blum, F. A., el al. (1967) Plasma Echoes at Upper Hybrid Resonance; 10.7907/D7WH-MQ20
- Gould, R. W. (1967) Echoes in Collision-Free Plasmas; 10.7907/ST3E-KR46
- Gould, Roy W. (1966) Single Pulse Response of a Plasma; 10.7907/BERK-CG34
- Gould, Roy W. (1965) Cyclotron Echo Phenomena; 10.7907/E6PJ-RM56
- Gould, Roy W. (1958) Traveling Wave Couplers for Longitudinal Beam Type Amplifiers; 10.7907/CSE6-5H40
- Gould, Roy W. (1955) Plasma Oscillations and Radio Noise from the Disturbed Sun; 10.7907/NCH1-CH46
- Gould, Roy W. (1955) A Field Analysis of the M-Type Backward Wave Oscillator; 10.7907/GQK7-PH31
- Gould, Roy W. (1955) Interaction of an Electron Beam with a Periodic Circuit; 10.7907/MVWD-C702