Helmberger, Donald V.
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- Helmberger, Don V. and Woods, Brad (1996) Regional Source Parameters, Seismic Energy, and Discrimination; ISBN 9780792338116; Monitoring a comprehensive test ban treaty; 365-383
- Helmberger, Don V. and Zhao, Lian-She, el al. (1996) Construction of Synthetics for 2D structures; core phases; ISBN 978-8877940803; Seismic modelling of earth structure; 183-221
- Garnero, Edward J. and Helmberger, Donald V. (1995) Seismic Resolution of the Earth's Outermost Core in Relation to Lower Mantle Heterogeneity
- Burdick, L. J. and Barker, J. S., el al. (1985) Linear Elastic Waveform Modeling in the Inelastic Region of Underground Nuclear Explosions
- Heaton, Thomas H. and Helmberger, Donald V. (1978) Synthesis of San Fernando strong-motion records
- Allen, Clarence R. and Helmberger, Donald V. (1973) Search for temporal changes in seismic velocities using large explosions in southern California