Hucka, Michael
- Stanford, Natalie J. and Scharm, Martin, el al. (2019) Data Management in Computational Systems Biology: Exploring Standards, Tools, Databases, and Packaging Best Practices; ISBN 978-1-4939-9735-0; Yeast Systems Biology: Methods and Protocols; 285-314; 10.1007/978-1-4939-9736-7_17
- Myers, Chris J. and Bader, Gary, el al. (2017) A brief history of COMBINE; ISBN 978-1-5386-3428-8; Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference; 884-895; 10.1109/WSC.2017.8247840
- Hucka, Michael (2015) Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML); ISBN 978-1-4614-6674-1; Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience; 2943-2944; 10.1007/978-1-4614-6675-8_376
- Hucka, Michael (2015) Organizing Community-Based Data Standards: Lessons from Developing a Successful Open Standard in Systems Biology; ISBN 9781583818749; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIV; 575-578
- Hucka, Michael and Bergmann, Frank T., el al. (2011) A profile of today's SBML-compatible software; ISBN 9781467300261; 2011 IEEE Seventh International Conference on e-Science Workshops; 143-150; 10.1109/eScienceW.2011.28
- Hucka, Michael and Schaff, James (2009) Trends and Tools for Modeling in Modern Biology; ISBN 978-1-4020-9236-7; Photosynthesis in silico: Understanding Complexity from Molecules to Ecosystems; 3-15; 10.1007/978-1-4020-9237-4_1
- Shapiro, Bruce E. and Finney, Andrew, el al. (2007) SBML Models and MathSBML; ISBN 9781597455312; Introduction to Systems Biology; 395-421
- Sauro, Herbert M. and Uhrmacher, Adelinde M., el al. (2006) Challenges for Modeling and Simulation Methods in Systems Biology; ISBN 1-4244-0500-9; Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference; 1720-1730; 10.1109/WSC.2006.322948
- Finney, Andrew and Hucka, Michael, el al. (2006) Software Infrastructure for Effective Communication and Reuse of Computational Models; ISBN 9780262195485; System Modeling in Cell Biology: From Concepts to Nuts & Bolts; 355-378
- Wanner, Barry L. and Finney, Andrew, el al. (2005) Modeling the E. coli cell: The need for computing, cooperation, and consortia; ISBN 978-3-540-22968-1; Systems Biology: Definitions and Perspectives; 163-189; 10.1007/b138743
- Bower, James M. and Beeman, David, el al. (2003) The GENESIS Simulation System; ISBN 9780262267267; The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks; 475-478
- Hucka, Michael and Finney, Andrew, el al. (2002) The ERATO Systems Biology Workbench: Enabling Interaction and Exchange Between Software Tools for Computational Biology; ISBN 9789812799623; Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2002; 450-461
- Hucka, Michael and Shankar, Kavita, el al. (2002) The Modeler's Workspace: Making model-based studies of the nervous system more accessible; ISBN 9781588290007; Computational Neuroanatomy: Principles and Methods; 83-103
- Hucka, Michael and Finney, Andrew, el al. (2001) The ERATO Systems Biology Workbench: Architectural Evolution; ISBN 9781591350002; Proceedings of the second International Conference on Systems Biology; 352-361
- Finney, Andrew M. and Hucka, Michael, el al. (2001) An Overview of the ERATO Systems Biology Workbench Project; ISBN 9783897226487; 2nd Workshop on Computation and Biochemical Pathways; 115-122
- Hucka, Michael and Finney, Andrew, el al. (2001) The ERATO Systems Biology Workbench: An Integrated Environment for Multiscale and Multitheoretic Simulations in Systems Biology; ISBN 978-0262112666; Foundations of Systems Biology; 125-143
- Hucka, Michael and Kaplan, Stephen (1996) Approximate Spatial Layout Processing in Early Vision; ISBN 978-0805825411; Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
- Hucka, Michael and Kaplan, Stephen (1996) Texture-Based Processing in Early Vision and a Proposed Role for Coarse-Scale Segmentation
- Laird, John E. and Yager, Eric S., el al. (1993) Robo-Soar: An Integration of External Interaction, Planning, and Learning using Soar; ISBN 9780262720175; Toward Learning Robots; 113-129
- Laird, John E. and Hucka, Michael, el al. (1990) Correcting and extending domain knowledge using outside guidance; ISBN 9781558601413; Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference (1990) on Machine Learning; 235-243
- Laird, John E. and Yager, Eric S., el al. (1989) Learning in Tele-autonomous Systems using Soar