Hunt, Melany
- Koos, Erin and Hunt, Melany L., el al. (2008) Shear Stress Measurements of Non-Spherical Particles in High Shear Rate Flows; ISBN 978-0-7354-0549-3; International Congress on Rheology, XV: The Society of Rheology 80th Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA, 3–8 August 2008; 740-742; 10.1063/1.2964830
- Karion, A. and Hunt, M. L. (2000) Size Segregation in Cylindrical Horizontal Couette Flows of Particles: Experiments and Simulations; ISBN 9789048155569; IUTAM Symposium on Segregation in Granular Flows; 181-191; 10.1007/978-94-015-9498-1_17
- Weathers, R. C. and Hunt, M. L., el al. (1997) Effects of Horizontal Vibration on Hopper Flows of Granular Material; ISBN 0784402515; Mechanics of deformation and flow of particulate materials : proceedings of a symposium, Evanston, Illinois, June 29-July 2, 1997; 349-360
- Wassgren, Carl R. and Hunt, Melany L., el al. (1997) Effects of vertical vibration on hopper flows of granular material; ISBN 0784402515; Mechanics of deformation and flow of particulate materials : proceedings of a symposium, Evanston, Illinois, June 29-July 2, 1997; 335-348
- Wassgren, Carl R. and Hunt, Melany L., el al. (1997) Investigation of f/2 and f/4 Waves in Granular Beds Subject to Vertical, Sinusoidal Oscillations; ISBN 9054108843; Powders & grains 97 : proceedings of the third International Conference on Powders & Grains, Durham, North Carolina, 18-23 May 1997; 433-436
- Wassgren, C. R. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1995) Granular Flow in a Vertically Vibrating Hopper; ISBN 0784400830; ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference (10th : 1995 : University of Colorado, Boulder); 1111-1114