Kajiya, James Thomas
- Snyder, John M. and Kajiya, James T. (1992) Generative modeling: a symbolic system for geometric modeling; ISBN 0-89791-479-1; SIGGRAPH '92 Proceedings of the 19th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 369-378; 10.1145/133994.134094
- Kajiya, James T. (1985) Anisotropic reflection models; ISBN 0-89791-166-0; SIGGRAPH '85 Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 15-21; 10.1145/325334.325167
- Dally, William J. and Kajiya, James T. (1985) An object oriented architecture; ISBN 0-8186-0634-7; ISCA '85 Proceedings of the 12th annual international symposium on Computer architecture; 154-161
- Kajiya, James T. and Von Herzen, Brian P. (1984) Ray tracing volume densities; ISBN 0-89791-138-5; SIGGRAPH '84 Proceedings of the 11th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 165-174; 10.1145/800031.808594
- Kajiya, James T. (1983) New techniques for ray tracing procedurally defined objects; ISBN 0-89791-109-1; SIGGRAPH '83 Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 91-102; 10.1145/800059.801137
- Kajiya, James T. (1983) Designing and implementing an array theory incorporating abstract datatypes; ISBN 0-89791-095-8; APL '83 Proceedings of the international conference on APL; 291-296; 10.1145/800062.801230
- Kajiya, James T. (1982) Ray tracing parametric patches; ISBN 0-89791-076-1; SIGGRAPH '82 Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; 245-254; 10.1145/800064.801287
- Kajiya, James T. (1981) Generic functions by nonstandard name scoping in APL; ISBN 0-89791-035-4; APL '81 Proceedings of the international conference on APL; 172-179; 10.1145/800142.805354