Kennedy, John Fisher
- Wu, T. Y. and Kennedy, J. F., el al. (1981) Fluid Mechanics Research in 1986; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 107; No. EM3; 445-454
- Kennedy, John F. (John Fisher) and Koh, Robert C. Y. (1961) The relation between the frequency distributions of sieve diameters and fall velocities of sediment particles; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 66; No. 12; 4233-4246; 10.1029/JZ066i012p04233
- Kennedy, J. F. (John Fisher) (1961) Further laboratory studies of the roughness and suspended load of alluvial streams; 10.7907/Z9086382
- Vanoni, Vito A. and Brooks, Norman H., el al. (1961) Lecture notes on sediment transportation and channel stability; 10.7907/Z9VH5KSC
- Kennedy, John F. (John Fisher) (1961) Stationary waves and antidunes in alluvial channels; 10.7907/Z9QR4V22