Kramer, Gerald H.
- Kramer, Gerald H. (2017) The Ecological Fallacy Revisited: Aggregate-Versus-Individual-Level Findings on Economics and Elections, and Sociotropic Voting; 10.7907/gh6vf-t0a08
- Kramer, Gerald H. (2017) Electoral Politics in the Zero-Sum Society; 10.7907/9qm16-3vf77
- Kramer, Gerald H. and Snyder, James M., Jr. (2017) Fairness, Self-Interest, and the Politics of the Progressive Income Tax; 10.7907/q4svm-57n48
- Kramer, Gerald H. and Snyder, James M., Jr. (2017) Linearity of the Optimal Income Tax: A Generalization; 10.7907/a6jm0-kaz10
- Snyder, James M. and Kramer, Gerald H. (1988) Fairness, self-interest, and the politics of the progressive income tax; Journal of Public Economics; Vol. 36; No. 2; 197-230; 10.1016/0047-2727(88)90030-8
- Kramer, Gerald H. (1983) The ecological fallacy revisited: Aggregate- versus individual-level findings on economics and elections, and sociotropic voting; American Political Science Review; Vol. 77; No. 1; 92-111; 10.2307/1956013