Mead, Carver
- Hickstein, Daniel D. and Carlson, David R., el al. (2024) Propagation of pulsed light in an optical cavity in a gravitational field; 10.48550/arXiv.2408.03384
- Mead, Carver (2023) A Simple Cosmology in G4v; Symmetry; Vol. 15; No. 7; Art. No. 1309; 10.3390/sym15071309
- Tahir-Kheli, Jamil and Hlásek, Tomáš, el al. (2023) Potential Major Improvement in Superconductors for High-Field Magnets; 10.48550/arXiv.2304.06171
- Mead, Carver (2023) Engineering View of Gravitation; ISBN 9781600490149; 10.7907/me3d-6f20
- Mead, Carver (2023) Neuromorphic Engineering: In Memory of Misha Mahowald; Neural Computation; Vol. 35; No. 3; 348-383; 10.1162/neco_a_01553
- Mead, Carver (2022) Neuromorphic Engineering: In Memory of Misha Mahowald; Neural Computation; 10.1162/neco_a_01553
- Cramer, John Gleason and Mead, Carver Andress (2022) Symmetry, Transactions, and the Mechanism of Wave Function Collapse; ISBN 978-3-0365-2694-2; Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics; 5-48; 10.3390/books978-3-0365-2695-9
- Mead, Carver (2021) My Early Collaboration with Bill Goddard; ISBN 978-3-030-18777-4; Computational Materials, Chemistry, and Biochemistry: From Bold Initiatives to the Last Mile; 9-16; 10.1007/978-3-030-18778-1_3
- Siegel, Peter H. and Mead, Carver (2021) Carver Mead: "It's All About Thinking," A Personal Account Leading up to the First Microwave Transistor; IEEE Journal of Microwaves; Vol. 1; No. 1; 269-274; 10.1109/jmw.2020.3028277
- Cramer, John Gleason and Mead, Carver Andress (2020) Symmetry, Transactions, and the Mechanism of Wave Function Collapse; Symmetry; Vol. 12; No. 8; Art. No. 1373; 10.3390/sym12081373
- Mead, Carver (2020) How we created neuromorphic engineering; Nature Electronics; Vol. 3; No. 7; 434-435; 10.1038/s41928-020-0448-2
- Koch, Christof and Luo, Jin, el al. (2015) Optical Flow and Surface Interpolation in Resistive Networks: Algorithms and Analog VLSI Chips
- Delbrück, T. and Mead, C. A. (2015) Analog VLSI Phototransduction by continuous-time, adaptive, logarithmic photoreceptor circuits
- Sarpeshkar, Rahul and Watts, Lloyd, el al. (2015) Refractory Neuron Circuits
- Mead, Carver (2015) Gravitational Waves in G4v; 10.48550/arXiv.1503.04866
- Isi, Maximiliano and Weinstein, Alan J., el al. (2015) Detecting beyond-Einstein polarizations of continuous gravitational waves; Physical Review D; Vol. 91; No. 8; Art. No. 082002; 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.082002
- Mead, Carver (2013) The Nature of Light: What are "Photons"?; ISBN 9780819496829; The Nature of Light: What are Photons? V; Art. No. 883202; 10.1117/12.2046381
- Mead, Carver (2013) The evolution of technology; ISBN 978-1-4673-4515-6; 2013 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers (ISSCC); 26; 10.1109/ISSCC.2013.6487621
- Middlebrook, R. D. and Mead, C. A. (2012) Optimum Noise Performance of Transistor Input Circuits / Transistor AC and DC Amplifiers with High Input Impedance
- Rem, Martin and Mead, Carver (2008) A notation for designing restoring logic circuitry in CMOS
- Mead, Carver (2005) Neuromorphic Engineering: Overview and Potential; ISBN 0-7803-9048-2; 2005 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. IJCNN '05. Proceedings.; 3334; 10.1109/IJCNN.2005.1556463
- Mead, Carver A. and Rem, Martin (2002) Cost and Performance of VLSI Computing Structures; 10.7907/fm4yx-3bq89
- Mead, Carver (2001) The Evolution of Electronic Photography; ISBN 9780892082322; Final program and proceedings : IS & T's PICS Conference, 54th Annual conference, April 22-25, 2001, the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 2
- Mead, Carver A. (2000) Collective electrodynamics : quantum foundations of electromagnetism; ISBN 0262133784
- Mead, Carver A. (1999) Collective Electrodynamics I; ISBN 0738200573; Feynman and computation : exploring the limits of computers; 29-43
- Mead, Carver A. (1999) Scaling of MOS Technology to Submicrometer Feature Sizes; ISBN 0738200573; Feynman and computation : exploring the limits of computers; 93-115
- Mead, Carver A. (1999) Feynman as a colleague; ISBN 0738200573; Feynman and computation : exploring the limits of computers; 21-28
- Mead, Carver (1999) Life Without Bits; ISBN 0387984135; Talking back to the machine : computers and human aspiration; 15-21
- Watts, Lloyd and Lyon, Richard F., el al. (1999) A Bidirectional Analog VLSI Cochlear Model; ISBN 9780262193085; Advanced research in VLSI : proceedings of the 1991 University of California/Santa Cruz conference; 153-162
- Yadid-Pecht, Orly and Fossum, Eric, el al. (1998) Active-Pixel Sensors With "Winner-Take-All" Mode; NASA Tech Briefs; Vol. 22; 43-44
- Sarpeshkar, Rahul and Lyon, Richard F., el al. (1998) A Low-Power Wide-Dynamic-Range Analog VLSI Cochlea; Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing; Vol. 16; No. 3; 245-274; 10.1023/A:1008218308069
- Sarpeshkar, Rahul and Lyon, Richard F., el al. (1998) A Low-Power Wide-Linear-Range Transconductive Amplifier; ISBN 0792381580; Neuromorphic Systems Engineering : Neural Networks in Silicon; 267-313
- Sarpeshkar, Rahul and Lyon, Richard F., el al. (1998) A Low-Power Wide-Dynamic-Range Analog VLSI Cochlea; ISBN 0792381580; Neuromorphic Systems Engineering : Neural Networks in Silicon; 49-103
- Diorio, Chris and Hasler, Paul, el al. (1998) Floating-Gate MOS Synapse Transistors; ISBN 9780792381587; Neuromorphic Systems Engineering; 315-337; 10.1007/978-0-585-28001-1_14
- Hasler, Paul and Andreou, Andreas G., el al. (1998) Impact Ionization and Hot-Electron Injection Derived Consistently from Boltzmann Transport; VLSI Design; Vol. 8; No. 1-4; 455-461; 10.1155/1998/73698
- Diorio, Chris and Hasler, Paul, el al. (1997) A floating-gate MOS learning array with locally computed weight updates; IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices; Vol. 44; No. 12; 2281-2289; 10.1109/16.644652
- Mead, Carver A. (1997) Collective electrodynamics I; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 94; No. 12; 6013-6018; PMCID PMC20992
- Chi, Min-hwa and Delbruck, Tobi, el al. (1997) A High Resolution CMOS Imager With Active Pixel Using Capacitively Coupled Bipolar Operation; ISBN 0-7803-4131-7; 1997 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications. Proceedings of Technical Papers.; 58-61; 10.1109/VTSA.1997.614727
- Diorio, Chris and Hasler, Paul, el al. (1997) A Complementary Pair of Four-Terminal Silicon Synapses; Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing; Vol. 13; No. 1-2; 153-166; 10.1023/A:1008244314595
- Sarpeshkar, Rahul and Lyon, Richard F., el al. (1997) A Low-Power Wide-Linear-Range Transconductance Amplifier; Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing; Vol. 13; No. 1-2; 123-151; 10.1023/A:1008292213687
- Mead, Carver A. (1996) Scaling of MOS technology; IEEE Micro; Vol. 16; No. 6; 48; 10.1109/40.546564
- Diorio, Chris and Hasler, Paul, el al. (1996) A single-transistor silicon synapse; IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices; Vol. 43; No. 11; 1972-1980; 10.1109/16.543035
- Liu, Shih-Chii and Mead, Carver (1996) Continuous-time adaptive delay system; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing; Vol. 43; No. 11; 744-751; 10.1109/82.544027
- Sarpeshkar, Rahul and Lyon, Richard F., el al. (1996) Nonvolatile correction of Q-offsets and instabilities in cochlear filters; ISBN 0-7803-3073-0; 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS '96, Connecting the World; 329-333; 10.1109/ISCAS.1996.541600
- Hasler, Paul and Minch, Bradley A., el al. (1996) An autozeroing amplifier using PFET hot-electron injection; ISBN 0-7803-3073-0; 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS '96, Connecting the World; 325-328; 10.1109/ISCAS.1996.541599
- Minch, Bradley A. and Diorio, Chris, el al. (1996) The matching of small capacitors for analog VLSI; ISBN 0-7803-3073-0; 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS '96, Connecting the World; 239-241; 10.1109/ISCAS.1996.539873
- Minch, Bradley A. and Diorio, Chris, el al. (1996) Translinear Circuits Using Subthreshold Floating-Gate MOS Transistors; Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing; Vol. 9; No. 2; 167-179; 10.1007/BF00166412
- Sarpeshkar, Rahul and Lyon, Richard F., el al. (1996) An analog VLSI cochlea with new transconductance amplifiers and nonlinear gain control; ISBN 0-7803-3073-0; 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS '96, Connecting the World; 292-296; 10.1109/ISCAS.1996.541591
- Lee, Christopher H. and Ravaioli, Umberto, el al. (1995) Simulation of a long term memory device with a full bandstructure Monte Carlo approach; IEEE Electron Device Letters; Vol. 16; No. 8; 360-362; 10.1109/55.400738
- Mead, Carver and Johnson, David, el al. (1995) New approach to data-path synthesis; Electronic Engineering Times; No. 852; 66
- Hasler, Paul and Diorio, Chris, el al. (1995) Single transistor learning synapse with long term storage; ISBN 0-7803-2570-2; 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS '95; 1660-1663; 10.1109/ISCAS.1995.523729
- Minch, Bradley A. and Diorio, Chris, el al. (1995) A νMOS soft-maximum current mirror; ISBN 0-7803-2570-2; 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS '95.; 2249-2252; 10.1109/ISCAS.1995.523876
- Diorio, Chris and Mahajan, Sunit, el al. (1995) A High-Resolution Non-Volatile Analog Memory Cell; ISBN 0-7803-2570-2; 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS '95; 2233-2236; 10.1109/ISCAS.1995.523872
- Douglas, Rodney and Mahowald, Misha, el al. (1995) Neuromorphic analogue VLSI; Annual Review of Neuroscience; Vol. 18; 255-281; 10.1146/
- Hasler, Paul and Diorio, Chris, el al. (1995) Single Transistor Learning Synapses; ISBN 0-262-20104-6; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7; 817-824
- Minch, Bradley A. and Hasler, Paul, el al. (1995) A Silicon Axon; ISBN 0-262-20104-6; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7; 737-746
- Mead, Carver A. (1994) Scaling of MOS Technology to Submicrometer Feature Sizes; Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing; Vol. 6; No. 1; 9-25; 10.1007/BF01250732
- Mead, Carver A. (1994) Scaling of MOS technology to submicrometer feature sizes; Journal of VLSI Signal Processing; Vol. 8; No. 1; 9-25; 10.1007/BF02407107
- Liu, Shih-Chii and Mead, Carver (1994) Continuous-time adaptive delay system; ISBN 0-7803-1915-X; 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1994. ISCAS '94.; 119-122; 10.1109/ISCAS.1994.409212
- Delbrück, Tobi and Mead, Carver A. (1994) Adaptive Photoreceptor with Wide Dynamic Range; ISBN 0-7803-1915-X; 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1994. ISCAS '94.; 339-342; 10.1109/ISCAS.1994.409266
- Sarpeshkar, Rahul and Delbrück, Tobias, el al. (1993) White noise in MOS transistors and resistors; IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine; Vol. 9; No. 6; 23-29; 10.1109/101.261888
- Mead, Carver A. and Mahowald, Misha (1993) A Silicon Model of Early Visual Processing; ISBN 0-262-69164-7; Computational neuroscience; 331-339
- Mead, Carver (1992) Neural computing challenges the status quo; Computer Design; Vol. 31; No. 10; 98-99
- Watts, Lloyd and Kerns, Douglas A., el al. (1992) Improved implementation of the silicon cochlea; IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits; Vol. 27; No. 5; 692-700; 10.1109/4.133156
- Mahowald, M. A. and Douglas, R. J., el al. (1992) An introduction to silicon neural analogs; Seminars in the neurosciences; Vol. 4; No. 1; 83-92; 10.1016/1044-5765(92)90036-2
- Delbrück, Tobi and Mead, Carver A. (1991) Time-derivative adaptive silicon photoreceptor array; ISBN 0819406694; Infrared Sensors: Detectors, Electronics, and Signal Processing; 92-99; 10.1117/12.49323
- Mead, Carver A. and Delbrück, Tobias (1991) Scanners for visualizing activity of analog VLSI circuitry; Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing; Vol. 1; No. 2; 93-106; 10.1007/BF00161303
- Mahowald, Misha A. and Mead, Carver (1991) The Silicon Retina; Scientific American; Vol. 264; No. 5; 76-82
- Mead, Carver A. and Arreguit, Xavier, el al. (1991) Analog VLSI model of binaural hearing; IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks; Vol. 2; No. 2; 230-236; 10.1109/72.80333
- DeWeerth, Stephen P. and Nielsen, Lars, el al. (1991) A simple neuron servo; IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks; Vol. 2; No. 2; 248-251; 10.1109/72.80335
- Mead, Carver (1990) Neuromorphic electronic systems; Proceedings of the IEEE; Vol. 78; No. 10; 1629-1636; 10.1109/5.58356
- DeWeerth, Steve and Nielsen, Lars, el al. (1990) A neuron-based pulse servo for motion control; ISBN 0-8186-9061-5; Proceedings. 1990 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation; 1698-1703; 10.1109/ROBOT.1990.126254
- Mead, C. A. (1990) Machines Will Understand the World; Fortune; Vol. 121; No. 7; 69
- Lyon, Richard F. and Mead, Carver (1990) An Analog Electronic Cochlea; ISBN 0818620293; Artificial neural networks : electronic implementations; 79-94
- Kurtin, Stephen and McGill, T. C., el al. (1990) Fundamental transition in the electronic nature of solids; ISBN 978-94-010-6780-5; Electronic Structure of Metal-Semiconductor Contacts; 91-94; 10.1007/978-94-009-0657-0_10
- DeWeerth, Stephen P. and Mead, Carver A. (1990) An Analog VLSI Model of Adaptation in the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex; ISBN 1-55860-100-7; Advances in neural information processing systems 2; 742-749
- Sivilotti, Massimo A. and Emerling, Michael, el al. (1990) A Novel Associative Memory Implemented Using Collective Computation; ISBN 0-8186-2029-3; Artificial neural networks: electronic implementations; 11-21
- Mead, Carver (1990) Auditory Processing Using Analog VLSI; ISBN 9780262041096; Advanced research in VLSI : proceedings of the sixth MIT conference; 1
- Lazzaro, John and Mead, Carver (1990) A Silicon Model of Auditory Localization; ISBN 0127818804; An Introduction to neural and electronic networks; 155-173
- Faggin, Federico and Mead, Carver (1990) VLSI Implementation of Neural Networks; ISBN 0127818804; An Introduction to neural and electronic networks; 275-292
- Lazzaro, John and Mead, Carver (1989) Silicon Modeling of Pitch Perception; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 86; No. 23; 9597-9601; PMCID PMC298545; 10.1073/pnas.86.23.9597
- Maher, Mary Ann C. and DeWeerth, Stephen P., el al. (1989) Implementing neural architectures using analog VLSI circuits; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems; Vol. 36; No. 5; 643-652; 10.1109/31.31311
- Mead, Carver (1989) Silicon Models of Neural Computation
- Lazzaro, John and Mead, Carver A. (1989) A silicon model of auditory localization; Neural Computation; Vol. 1; No. 1; 47-57; 10.1162/neco.1989.1.1.47
- Mead, Carver (1989) Neural computation in analog VLSI; 10.1109/ACSSC.1989.1200737
- Ryckebusch, Sylvie and Bower, James M., el al. (1989) Modeling Small Oscillating Biological Networks in Analog VLSI; ISBN 1558600159; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems; 384-393
- Delbrück, T. and Mead, C. A. (1989) An Electronic Photoreceptor Sensitive to Small Changes in Intensity; ISBN 1558600159; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems; 720-727
- Mead, Carver (1989) Analog VLSI and Neural Systems; ISBN 0201059924
- Ryckebusch, Sylvie and Mead, Carver (1989) Analog VLSI Models of Oscillatory Biological Neural Circuits; ISBN 288074170X; Réseaux de neurones artificiels = artificial neural networks . Comptes rendus des, proceedings of Journées d'électronique, 1989, Lausanne, 10-12 octobre 1989; 303-312
- Lazzaro, J. and Ryckebusch, S., el al. (1989) Winner-Take-All Networks of O(N) Complexity; ISBN 1558600159; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems; 703-711
- Lazzaro, John and Mead, Carver (1989) Circuit Models of Sensory Transduction in the Cochlea; ISBN 0792390407; Analog VLSI implementation of neural systems; 85-101
- Lyon, Richard F. and Mead, Carver (1988) An analog electronic cochlea; IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing; Vol. 36; No. 7; 1119-1134; 10.1109/29.1639
- Lyon, Richard F. and Mead, Carver A. (1988) A CMOS VLSI cochlea; 10.1109/ICASSP.1988.197063
- Hutchinson, James and Koch, Christof, el al. (1988) Computing motion using analog and binary resistive networks; Computer; Vol. 21; No. 3; 52-63; 10.1109/2.31
- Lyon, Richard F. and Mead, Carver A. (1988) Cochlear Hydrodynamics Demystified; 10.7907/qysdt-52n82
- Lazzaro, J. and Ryckebusch, S., el al. (1988) Winner-Take-All Networks of O(N) Complexity; 10.7907/32s8b-x9954
- Allen, Timothy P. and Mead, Carver A. (1988) A silicon retina for computing local edge orientations; Neural Networks; Vol. 1; No. S1; 481; 10.1016/0893-6080(88)90503-5
- Mead, Carver A. (1988) Analog VLSI for auditory and vision signal processing; 10.1109/IEDM.1988.32736
- Mead, Carver A. and Mahowald, M. A. (1988) A silicon model of early visual processing; Neural Networks; Vol. 1; No. 1; 91-97; 10.1016/0893-6080(88)90024-X
- Koch, Christof and Luo, Jin, el al. (1988) Computing Motion Using Resistive Networks; ISBN 0883185695; Neural Information Processing Systems; 422-431
- Allen, Tim and Mead, Carver, el al. (1988) Orientation-Selective VLSI Retina; 10.1117/12.969056
- DeWeerth, Stephen P. and Mead, Carver A. (1988) A Two-Dimensional Visual Tracking Array; ISBN 9780262011006; Advanced research in VLSI : proceedings of the fifth MIT conference, March 1988; 259-275
- Mead, Carver A. (1987) Neural Hardware for Vision; Engineering and Science; Vol. 50; No. 5; 2-7
- Sivilotti, Massimo A. and Mahowald, Michelle A., el al. (1987) Real-Time Visual Computations Using Analog CMOS Processing Arrays; ISBN 0262121212; Advanced Research in VLSI: Proceedings of the 1987 Conference; 295-311
- Maher, Mary Ann and Mead, Carver A. (1987) A Physical Charge-Controlled Model for MOS Transistors; ISBN 0262121212; Advanced Research in VLSI: Proceedings of the 1987 Conference; 211-229
- Nielsen, Lars and Mahowald, Misha, el al. (1987) SeeHear
- Maher, Mary Ann C. and Mead, Carver A. (1986) Modelling and simulation of integrated circuits; Computer-Aided Design; Vol. 18; No. 9; 472-477; 10.1016/0010-4485(86)90003-5
- Sivilotti, Massimo A. and Emerling, Michael R., el al. (1986) VLSI architectures for implementation of neural networks; ISBN 0-88318-351-X; Neural Networks for Computing; 408-413; 10.1063/1.36247
- Lin, Tzu-Mu and Mead, Carver A. (1986) A Hierarchical Timing Simulation Model; IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems; Vol. 5; No. 1; 188-197; 10.1109/TCAD.1986.1270186
- Whitney, Telle and Mead, Carver (1986) An Integer Based Hierarchical Representation for VLSI; ISBN 9780262121132; Advanced research in VLSI : proceedings of the fourth MIT conference, April 7-9, 1986; 241-257
- Tanner, John and Mead, Carver (1986) An Integrated Analog Optical Motion Sensor; ISBN 0879422106; VLSI signal processing, II; 59-76
- Wawrzynek, John and Mead, Carver, el al. (1985) A VLSI Approach to Sound Synthesis
- Sivilotti, Massimo and Emerling, Michael, el al. (1985) A Novel Associative Memory Implemented Using Collective Computation; ISBN 0881751030; 1985 Chapel Hill Conference on Very Large Scale Integration; 329-342
- Wawrzynek, John and Mead, Carver (1985) A VLSI Architecture for Sound Synthesis; ISBN 0201144042; VLSI signal processing : a bit-serial approach; 277-297
- Chen, Marina C. and Mead, Carver A. (1985) Concurrent Algorithms as Space-Time Recursion Equations; ISBN 013942699X; VLSI and modern signal processing; 224-240
- Chen, Marina C. and Mead, Carver (1985) A Methodology for Hierarchical Simulation and Verification of VLSI Systems; ISBN 0444876871; Methodologies for Computer System Design; 165-181
- Mead, Carver (1985) A Sensitive Electronic Photoreceptor; ISBN 0881751030; 1985 Chapel Hill Conference on Very Large Scale Integration; 463-471
- Mead, Carver and Wawrzynek, John (1985) A New Discipline for CMOS Design: an Architecture for Sound Synthesis; ISBN 0881751030; 1985 Chapel Hill Conference on Very Large Scale Integration; 87-104
- Lin, Tzu-Mu and Mead, Carver A. (1984) Signal Delay in General RC Networks; IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems; Vol. 3; No. 4; 331-349; 10.1109/TCAD.1984.1270090
- Mead, Carver and Mahowald, Michelle (1984) An electronic model of the y-system of mammalian retina
- Mead, C. A. and Rem, M. (1984) Correction to "Minimum Propagation Delays in VLSI"; IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits; Vol. 19; No. 1; 162; 10.1109/JSSC.1984.1052104
- Mead, Carver (1984) The Wolery; 10.7907/43z52-rx643
- Wawrzynek, John and Mead, Carver (1984) A VLSI Architecture for Sound Synthesis; 10.7907/3d575-yvm11
- Tanner, John E. and Mead, Carver (1984) A Correlating Optical Motion Detector; ISBN 089006136X; Proceedings, Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI : January 23-25, 1984, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; 57-64
- Lin, Tzu-Mu and Mead, Carver A. (1984) Signal Delay in General RC Networks with Application to Timing Simulation of Digital Integrated Circuits; ISBN 089006136X; Proceedings, Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI : January 23-25, 1984, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; 93-99
- Mead, Carver and Rem, Martin (1983) Minimum propagation delays in VLSI; 10.7907/xzm6p-fzr13
- Lin, Tzu-Mu and Mead, Carver A. (1983) Signal Delay in General RC Networks with Application to Timing Simulation of Digital Integrated Circuits; 10.7907/h46fc-bcr96
- Whitney, Telle and Mead, Carver (1983) Pooh: A Uniform Representation For Circuit Level Designs; ISBN 0444867511; VLSI '83 : VLSI design of digital systems : proceedings of the IFIP TC 10/WG 10.5 International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, Trondheim, Norway, 16-19 August 1983; 401-411
- Chen, Marina and Mead, Carver (1983) A Hierarchical Simulator Based on Formal Semantics; 10.7907/jz6sz-1pt23
- Mead, Carver A. (1983) Structural and Behavioral Composition of VLSI; ISBN 0444867511; VLSI '83 : VLSI design of digital systems : proceedings of the IFIP TC 10/WG 10.5 International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, Trondheim, Norway, 16-19 August 1983; 3-8
- Chen, Marina C. and Mead, Carver A. (1983) A Hierarchical Simulator Based on Formal Semantics; ISBN 0914894862; Third Caltech Conference on Very Large Scale Integration; 207-223
- Chen, Marina C. and Mead, Carver A. (1983) Concurrent Algorithms as Space-time Recursion Equations
- Chen, Marina C. and Mead, C. A. (1983) VLSI Circuit as Communicating Processes: A Universal Simulator
- Mead, Carver A. and Lewicki, George (1982) Silicon compilers and foundries will usher in user-designed VLSI; Electronics; Vol. 55; No. 16; 107-111
- Mead, Carver and Rem, Martin (1982) Minimum propagation delays in VLSI; IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits; Vol. 17; No. 4; 773-775; 10.1109/JSSC.1982.1051810
- Chen, Marina C. and Mead, Carver A. (1982) Formal Specification of Concurrent Systems; 10.7907/kmq8e-ezn08
- Rem, Martin and Mead, Carver (1982) A notation for designing restoring logic circuitry in CMOS; Microelectronics Journal; Vol. 13; No. 6; 5-10; 10.1016/S0026-2692(82)80130-4
- Mead, Carver and Rem, Martin (1982) Minimum Propagation Delays in VLSI; 10.7907/7w91m-s9v80
- Rem, Martin and Mead, Carver (1981) A Notation for Designing Restoring Logic Circuitry in CMOS
- Buric, Misha R. and Mead, Carver A. (1981) Bit-Serial Inner Product Processors in VLSI
- Mead, Carver and Rem, Martin (1981) Minimum Propagation Delays in VLSI
- Mead, Carver A. (1981) VLSI and Technological Innovations; ISBN 0122968603; VLSI 81 : very large scale integration; 3-11
- Mead, Carver A. and Rem, Martin (1981) Cost and Performance of VLSI Computing Structures; ISBN 0879421517; Digital MOS integrated circuits; 196-203
- Mead, Carver (1980) Challenges Raised by VLSI Technology; Military Electronics/Countermeasures; 35-38
- Mead, Carver and Conway, Lynn (1980) Introduction to VLSI Systems; ISBN 0201043580
- Mead, Carver A. (1979) The Impact of VLSI on Computer Science Education; IEEE Transactions on Education; Vol. 22; No. 2; 43; 10.1109/TE.1979.4321288
- Mead, Carver A. and Rem, Martin (1979) Cost and Performance of VLSI Computing Structures; IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices; Vol. 26; No. 4; 533-540; 10.1109/T-ED.1979.19457
- Mohsen, Amr M. and Mead, Carver A. (1979) Delay-time optimization for driving and sensing of signals on high-capacitance paths of VLSI systems; IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices; Vol. 26; No. 4; 540-548; 10.1109/T-ED.1979.19458
- Mohsen, Amr M. and Mead, Carver A. (1979) Delay-time optimization for driving and sensing of signals on high-capacitance paths of VLSI systems; IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits; Vol. 14; No. 2; 462-470; 10.1109/JSSC.1979.1051198
- Mead, Carver A. and Rem, Martin (1979) Cost and performance of VLSI computing structures; IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits; Vol. 14; No. 2; 455-462; 10.1109/JSSC.1979.1051197
- Mead, Carver A. (1979) VLSI and Technological Innovation
- Cheng, Edmund K. and Mead, Carver A. (1978) A MOS cursive-character generator; IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits; Vol. 13; No. 6; 832-837; 10.1109/JSSC.1978.1052057
- Mead, Carver A. and Rem, Martin (1978) Cost and Performance of VLSI Computing Structures
- Sutherland, Ivan E. and Mead, Carver A. (1977) Microelectronics and Computer Science; Scientific American; Vol. 237; No. 3; 210-228
- Sutherland, Ivan E. and Mead, Carver A., el al. (1976) Basic Limitations in Microcircuit Fabrication Technology
- Best, J. S. and McCaldin, J. O., el al. (1976) HgSe, a highly electronegative stable metallic contact for semiconductor devices; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 29; No. 7; 433-434; 10.1063/1.89109
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