Miklowitz, Julius
- Griffin, Jerry Howard (1974) Wave Front Analysis in the Scattering of a Plane Compressional Pulse by a Cylindrical Elastic Inclusion; 10.7907/AKFT-PB89
- Sinclair, Glenn Bruce (1973) On Nonmixed Symmetric End-Load Problems in Elastic Waveguides; 10.7907/ZDWG-ZG20
- Gakenheimer, David Charles (1969) Transient Excitation of an Elastic Half-Space by a Point Load Traveling on the Surface; 10.7907/5FEH-EG57
- Randles, Philip Wayne (1969) Modal Representations for the High-Frequency Response of Elastic Plates; 10.7907/F4BM-J980
- Norwood, Frederick Reyes (1967) Diffraction of Transient Elastic Waves by a Spherical Cavity; 10.7907/ps9n-9z78
- Wong, Po Kee (1966) Propagation of Harmonic Waves in an Elastic Rod of Elliptical Cross-Section; 10.7907/CX6S-JQ42
- Peck, Jerry Clifford (1965) Plane-Strain Diffraction of Transient Elastic Waves by a Circular Cavity; 10.7907/GDNE-E586
- Scott, Richard Anthony (1964) Transient Wave Propagation in Elastic Plates with Cylindrical Boundaries, Studied with the Aid of Multi-integral Transforms; 10.7907/G7HA-F836
- Rosenfeld, Robert Leopold (1962) Analysis of Long Compressional Elastic Waves in Rods of Arbitrary Cross Section and Elastic Wave Fronts in Plates and Circular Rods; 10.7907/WVNP-Z097
- Lloyd, James Reily (1962) Wave Propagation in an Elastic Plate Resting on an Elastic Foundation; 10.7907/D5NC-XR09