Penner, Stanford S.
- Penner, S. S. and Thomas, M., el al. (1964) Similarity parameters for radiative energy transfer in isothermal and non-isothermal gas mixtures
- Penner, S. S. and Olfe, D. B., el al. (1963) Recent studies on quantitative spectroscopy and gas emissivities
- Penner, S. S. (1962) Spectroscopy methods of temperature measurements
- Penner, S. S. and Olfe, D., el al. (1959) Relations between molecular gas absoptivities and emissivities
- Schultz, R. and Green, L., Jr., el al. (1958) Studies of the decomposition mechanism, erosive burning, sonance and resonance for solid composite propellants
- Penner, Stanford S. (1956) Models in aerochemistry
- Penner, S. S. (1954) Spectroscopic studies of premixed laminar flames
- von Kármán, Th. and Penner, S. S. (1954) The thermal theory of constant-pressure deflagration for first-order global reactions
- von Kármán, Theodore and Penner, S. S. (1954) Fundamental approach to laminar flame propagation