Ravichandran, Guruswami
- Ravindran, Suraj and Lovinger, Zev, el al. (2020) Pressure-shear plate impact experiments of magnesium at high pressures; ISBN 978-0-7354-4000-5; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2019; Art. No. 120022; 10.1063/12.0001022
- Lovinger, Zev and Czarnota, Christophe, el al. (2020) Shock structure and spall behavior of porous aluminum; ISBN 978-0-7354-4000-5; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2019; Art. No. 120015; 10.1063/12.0000913
- Kettenbeil, Christian and Lovinger, Zev, el al. (2020) Pressure-shear plate impact experiments at very high pressures; ISBN 978-0-7354-4000-5; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2019; Art. No. 120010; 10.1063/12.0001099
- Avellar, Louisa and Reese, Tucker, el al. (2018) Cohesive Zone Smoothing of Bending Stiffness Heterogeneities in Tape Peeling Experiments; ISBN 978-3-319-95878-1; Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution; 73-76; 10.1007/978-3-319-95879-8_12
- Mac Donald, Kimberley and Ravichandran, Guruswami (2018) An Experimental Method to Induce and Measure Crack Propagation in Brittle Polymers with Heterogeneities; ISBN 978-3-319-95878-1; Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution; 21-23; 10.1007/978-3-319-95879-8_5
- Mac Donald, Kimberley and Ravichandran, Guruswami (2017) Towards Measuring Intergranular Force Transmission Using Confocal Microscopy and Digital Volume Correlation; ISBN 978-3-319-63027-4; Advancement of Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics; 85-88; 10.1007/978-3-319-63028-1_13
- Mello, Michael and Kettenbeil, Christian, el al. (2017) Heterodyne diffracted beam photonic Doppler velocimeter (DPDV) for measurement of transverse and normal particle velocities in pressure-shear plate impact experiments; ISBN 978-0-7354-1693-2; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2017; Art. No. 160017; 10.1063/1.5045016
- Jiao, T. and Kettenbeil, C., el al. (2017) Experimental investigation of the shearing resistance of SODA-Lime glass at pressures of 9 GPa and strain rates of 10^6 s^(-1); ISBN 978-0-7354-1693-2; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2017; Art. No. 070017; 10.1063/1.5044826
- Kettenbeil, Christian and Mello, Michael, el al. (2017) Pressure-shear plate impact experiment on soda-lime glass at a pressure of 30 GPa and strain rate of 4·10^7 s^(-1); ISBN 978-0-7354-1693-2; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2017; Art. No. 070019; 10.1063/1.5044828
- Sternberger, Z. and Maddox, B. R., el al. (2017) A comparative study of Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilities in 2D and 3D in tantalum; ISBN 978-0-7354-1457-0; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter -- 2015; Art. No. 110006; 10.1063/1.4971669
- Burkel, Brian and Lesman, Ayelet, el al. (2016) Microbuckling of Fibrous Matrices Enables Long Range Cell Mechanosensing; ISBN 978-3-319-41350-1; Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials; 135-141; 10.1007/978-3-319-41351-8_19
- Hsueh, Chun-Jen and Ravichandran, Guruswami, el al. (2016) Investigating the Effective Fracture Toughness of Heterogeneous Materials; ISBN 978-3-319-42194-0; Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution; 15-20; 10.1007/978-3-319-42195-7_3
- Karanjgaokar, Nikhil and Ravichandran, Guruswami (2016) Study of Energy Contributions in Granular Materials During Impact; ISBN 978-3-319-22451-0; Dynamic Behavior of Materials; 199-204; 10.1007/978-3-319-22452-7_28
- Hsueh, Chun-Jen and Ravichandran, Guruswami, el al. (2016) Measuring the Effective Fracture Toughness of Heterogeneous Materials; ISBN 978-3-319-21610-2; Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution; 151-155; 10.1007/978-3-319-21611-9_19
- Karanjgaokar, Nikhil and Ravichandran, Guruswami (2014) Experimental Inference of Inter-Particle Forces in Granular Systems Using Digital Image Correlation; ISBN 978-3-319-06985-2; Advancement of Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics; 379-385; 10.1007/978-3-319-06986-9_45
- Alkhader, Maen and Knauss, Wolfgang, el al. (2013) Experimental Investigation of Failure in Viscoelastic Elastomers Under Combined Shear and Pressure; ISBN 978-1-4614-4240-0; Challenges in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials and Processes in Conventional and Multifunctional Materials; 55-62; 10.1007/978-1-4614-4241-7_8
- Rauls, Michael and Ravichandran, Guruswami (2012) Shock Waves in a Model Particulate Composite; ISBN 978-1-4614-4237-0; Dynamic Behavior of Materials; 295-296; 10.1007/978-1-4614-4238-7_37
- Kovalchick, Christopher and Xia, Shuman, el al. (2012) Cohesive Zone Law Extraction from an Experimental Peel Test; ISBN 978-1-4614-4225-7; Experimental and Applied Mechanics; 237-245; 10.1007/978-1-4614-4226-4_28
- Brown, J. L. and Ravichandran, G. (2012) High pressure Hugoniot measurements using Mach waves; ISBN 978-0-7354-1006-0; 2011 Shock Compression of Condensed Matter; 485-488; 10.1063/1.3686323
- Kidane, Addis and Ravichandran, Guruswami (2011) Failure and Fracture Behavior of Brittle Polymer Foam; ISBN 978-1-4614-0221-3; Experimental and Applied Mechanics; 91-98; 10.1007/978-1-4614-0222-0_13
- Alkhader, Maen and Knauss, Wolfgang, el al. (2011) Experimental arrangement for measuring the high-strain-rate response of polymers under pressures; ISBN 978-1-4614-0212-1; Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials and Processes in Conventional and Multifunctional Materials; 139-144; 10.1007/978-1-4614-0213-8_20
- Alkhader, Maen and Knauss, W. G., el al. (2011) The influence of pressure on the large deformation shear response of a Polyurea; ISBN 978-1-4419-9498-1; Time Dependent Constitutive Behavior and Fracture/Failure Processes; 287-295; 10.1007/978-1-4419-9794-4_40
- Brown, J. L. and Ravichandran, G. (2011) High Pressure Hugoniot Measurements Using Converging Shocks; ISBN 978-1-4419-8227-8; Dynamic Behavior of Materials; 403-409; 10.1007/978-1-4419-8228-5_59
- Brown, J. L. and Ravichandran, G. (2009) Shockwaves in converging geometries; ISBN 978-0-7354-0732-9; Shock-induced spall in copper: The effects of anisotropy, temperature, defects and loading pulse; 747-750; 10.1063/1.3295249
- Daly, Samantha and Bhattacharya, Kaushik, el al. (2008) Deformation Behavior of a Shape Memory Alloy, Nitinol; ISBN 978-0-7918-4835-7; Advanced Energy Systems; Advanced and Digital Manufacturing; Advanced Materials; Aerospace; 553-553; 10.1115/ESDA2008-59187
- Shilo, Doron and Ravichandran, Guruswami, el al. (2007) Investigation of Twin-Wall Structure at the Nanometer Scale Using Atomic Force Microscopy; ISBN 978-1-4020-6238-4; Experimental Analysis of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures; 385-386; 10.1007/978-1-4020-6239-1_191
- Liu, C. T. and Neviere, R., el al. (2006) Crack Growth Behavior in a Highly Filled Elastomer; ISBN 978-1-4020-4971-2; Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures; 1135-1136; 10.1007/1-4020-4972-2_563
- Meyers, M. A. and Gregori, F., el al. (2002) Plastic Deformation in Laser-Induced Shock Compression of Monocrystalline Copper; ISBN 0-7354-0068-7; Shock compression of condensed matter--2001 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held in Atlanta, Georgia, June 24-29, 2001; 619-622; 10.1063/1.1483615
- Ravichandran, Guruswami and Rosakis, Ares J., el al. (2002) On the Conversion of Plastic Work into Heat During High-Strain-Rate Deformation; ISBN 0735400687; Shock compression of condensed matter--2001 : proceedings of the Shock COmpression of Condensed Matter held in Atlanta, Georgia, June 24-29, 2001; 557-562; 10.1063/1.1483600
- Zhuang, Shiming and Ravichandran, Guruswami, el al. (2002) Influence of Interface Scattering on Shock Waves in Heterogeneous Solids; ISBN 0735400687; Shock compression of condensed matter--2001 : proceedings of the Shock COmpression of Condensed Matter held in Atlanta, Georgia, June 24-29, 2001; 709-712; 10.1063/1.1483600
- Burcsu, E. and Ravichandran, G., el al. (2002) Observation of Domain Motion in Single-Crystal Barium Titanate under Combined Electromechanical Loading Conditions; ISBN 978-90-481-6071-6; IUTAM Symposium on Mechanics of Martensitic Phase Transformation in Solids; 63-70; 10.1007/978-94-017-0069-6_8
- Vural, M. and Ravichandran, G. (2002) High Strain Rate Testing of Sandwich Core Materials; ISBN 978-1-4020-0683-8; Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics: In Honor of Isaac M. Daniel; 31-42; 10.1007/0-306-48410-2_4
- Burcsu, Eric and Ravichandran, G., el al. (2001) Electromechanical behavior of 90-degree domain motion in barium titanate single crystals; ISBN 0-8194-4019-1; Smart Structures and Materials 2001: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics; 121-130; 10.1117/12.432748
- Burcsu, Eric and Ravichandran, G., el al. (2000) Mechanics of large electrostriction in ferroelectrics; ISBN 0-8194-3610-0; Smart structures and materials 2000. Active materials, behavior and mechanics; 296-304; 10.1117/12.388214
- Rosakis, A. J. and Ravichandran, G., el al. (1997) Dynamically Growing Shear Bands in Metals: A Study of Transient Temperature and Deformation Fields; ISBN 978-94-010-6379-1; IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis of Fracture; 141-150; 10.1007/978-94-011-5642-4_14
- Liu, C. T. and Ravichandran, G. (1995) Effect of Loading Rate on Crack Tip Behavior- An Experimental and Numerical Investigation; ISBN 9783642796562; Computational Mechanics '95: Theory and Applications; 2063-2068; 10.1007/978-3-642-79654-8_343