Roth, Dana Lincoln
- Roth, Dana L. (2014) Non-Patent Primary Literature: Journals, Conference Papers, Reports, Abstracts and Preprints; ISBN 978-1-84973-551-3; Chemical Information for Chemists: A Primer; 31-52; 10.1039/9781782620655-00029
- Roth, Dana L. (2014) Commercial Availability, Safety, and Hazards; ISBN 978-1-84973-551-3; Chemical Information for Chemists: A Primer; 184-205; 10.1039/9781782620655-00184
- Roth, Dana Lincoln (2011) Chemical Engineering; ISBN 978-1-4398-5002-2; Using the Engineering Literature; 111-127; 10.1201/b11072-8
- Roth, Dana L. (2008) Literature Searching Methodology; ISBN 9780471976707; Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry : applications, theory, and instrumentation; 1-19; 10.1002/9780470027318.a8104.pub2
- Michaelson, Robert C. and Ren, Anna Wu, el al. (2007) Science and Engineering Serials: Issues and Challenges in the Electronic Environment; ISBN 9780838984154; Perspectives on Serials in the Hybrid Environment; 37-52
- Roth, Dana L. (2006) Chemical Engineering; ISBN 0824729641; Using the Engineering Literature; 120-141
- Roth, Dana Lincoln (2002) Chemistry Journals: Cost-Effectiveness, Seminal Titles and Exchange Rate Profiteering; ISBN 0789021781; Scholarly communication in science and engineering research in higher education; 59-70; 10.1300/J122v22n03_07
- Roth, Dana L. (1989) Extending the Online Catalog