Shum, Matthew
- Xiang Chiong, Khai and Shum, Matthew, el al. (2023) Combining Choice and Response Time Data: A Drift-Diffusion Model of Mobile Advertisements; Management Science; 10.1287/mnsc.2023.4738
- Shum, Matthew and Xin, Yi (2022) Time-Varying Risk Aversion? Evidence from Near-Miss Accidents; Review of Economics and Statistics; Vol. 104; No. 6; 1317-1328; 10.1162/rest_a_01009
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- Buchholz, Nicholas and Shum, Matthew, el al. (2021) Semiparametric estimation of dynamic discrete choice models; Journal of Econometrics; Vol. 223; No. 2; 312-327; 10.1016/j.jeconom.2020.01.024
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- Chiong, Khai Xiang and Shum, Matthew (2019) Random Projection Estimation of Discrete-Choice Models with Large Choice Sets; Management Science; Vol. 65; No. 1; 256-271; 10.1287/mnsc.2017.2928
- Moon, Hyungsik Roger and Shum, Matthew, el al. (2018) Estimation of random coefficients logit demand models with interactive fixed effects; Journal of Econometrics; Vol. 206; No. 2; 613-644; 10.1016/j.jeconom.2018.06.016
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- Crawford, Gregory S. and Shum, Matthew (2007) Monopoly quality degradation and regulation in cable television; Journal of Law and Economics; Vol. 50; No. 1; 181-219; 10.1086/508310
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