Simon, Barry
- Simon, Barry and van Enter, Aernout (2022) Lattice Systems; ISBN 9781118445112; Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online; 1-8; 10.1002/9781118445112.stat00085.pub2
- Christiansen, Jacob S. and Simon, Barry, el al. (2020) Asymptotics of Chebyshev Polynomials, III. Sets Saturating Szegő, Schiefermayr, and Totik--Widom Bounds; ISBN 978-3-030-31530-6; Analysis as a Tool in Mathematical Physics: In Memory of Boris Pavlov; 231-246; 10.1007/978-3-030-31531-3_15
- Simon, Barry (2019) Tosio Kato's Work on Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics: A Brief Report; ISBN 9783030126605; Analysis and Operator Theory: Dedicated in Memory of Tosio Kato's 100th Birthday; 353-378; 10.1007/978-3-030-12661-2_16
- Simon, Barry (2017) A Cayley-Hamiltonian Theorem for Periodic Finite Band Matrices; ISBN 978-3-03719-175-0; Functional analysis and operator theory for quantum physics : Pavel Exner anniversary volume; 525-529; 10.4171/175-1/25
- Simon, Barry (2014) Ed Nelson's Work in Quantum Theory; ISBN 978-1-4008-6525-3; Diffusion, Quantum Theory, and Radically Elementary Mathematics; 75-94; 10.1515/9781400865253.75
- Simon, B. (2013) Spectral Theory of Orthogonal Polynomials; ISBN 9789814449243; XVIIth International Congress on Mathematical Physics; 217-228; 10.1142/9789814449243_0012
- Christiansen, Jacob S. and Simon, Barry, el al. (2013) Finite gap Jacobi matrices: A review; ISBN 978-0821875742; Spectral Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics; 87-103; 10.48550/arXiv.1301.5073
- Simon, Barry (2010) Fine Structure of the Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials: A Progress Report; ISBN 978-0-8218-4803-6; Recent Trends in Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximation Theory; 241-254
- Simon, Barry (2007) Orthogonal polynomials with exponentially decaying recursion coefficients; ISBN 9780821840894; Probability and mathematical physics : a volume in honor of Stanislav Molchanov; 453-463; 10.48550/arXiv.0603099
- Simon, Barry (2007) Fine Structure of the Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials: A Review; ISBN 9789812706430; Proceedings of the international conference, difference equations, special functions and orthogonal polynomials : Munich, Germany, 25-30 July 2005; 636-653; 10.1142/9789812770752_0055
- Lieb, Elliott H. and Sigal, Israel M., el al. (2006) Approximate Neutrality of Large-Z Ions; ISBN 354022212X; The Stability of Matter: From Atoms to Stars: Selecta of Elliott H. Lieb; 103-112; 10.1007/3-540-27056-6_9
- Simon, Barry (2005) Sturm Oscillation and Comparison Theorems; ISBN 3764370661; Sturm-Liouville Theory; 29-43; 10.1007/3-7643-7359-8_2
- Gesztesy, Fritz and Simon, Barry (1999) On the determination of a potential from three spectra; ISBN 978-0-8218-1387-4; Differential Operators and Spectral Theory; 85-92; 10.1090/trans2/189
- Simon, Barry (1985) Some aspects of the theory of Schrödinger operators; ISBN 9783540160359; Schrödinger Operators; 177-203; 10.1007/bfb0080333
- Simon, Barry (1982) Almost periodic Schröder operators: A review; ISBN 9783540111924; Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics; 157; 10.1007/3-540-11192-1_30