Soatto, Stefano
- Soatto, Stefano and Perona, Pietro (1996) Reducing "Structure From Motion": a General Framework for Dynamic Vision - Part 2: Experimental Evaluation
- Soatto, Stefano and Perona, Pietro (1996) Reducing "Structure From Motion": a General Framework for Dynamic Vision - Part 1: Modeling
- Soatto, Stefano and Perona, Pietro (1995) Depth from Brightness of Moving Images
- Soatto, Stefano and Perona, Pietro (1995) Motion from "X" by Compensating "Y"
- Soatto, Stefano and Perona, Pietro (1995) Motion from Fixation
- Soatto, Stefano and Perona, Pietro (1994) On the Exact Linearization of Structure From Motion
- Soatto, Stefano and Perona, Pietro (1994) Observability/Identifiability of Rigid Motion under Perspective Projection; 10.1109/CDC.1994.411638
- Soatto, Stefano and Perona, Pietro (1994) Robust and Efficient Recovery of Rigid Motion from Subspace Constraints Solved using Recursive Identification of Nonlinear Implicit Systems
- Soatto, Stefano and Frezza, Ruggero, el al. (1994) Dynamic Estimation of Rigid Motion from Perspective Views via Recursive Identification of Exterior Differential Systems with Parameters on a Topological Manifold
- Soatto, Stefano and Frezza, Ruggero, el al. (1994) Recursive Estimation of Camera Motion from Uncalibrated Image Sequences
- Soatto, Stefano and Perona, Pietro (1994) Three Dimensional Transparent Structure Segmentation and Multiple 3D Motion Estimation from Monocular Perspective Image Sequences
- Soatto, Stefano and Frezza, Ruggero, el al. (1993) Recursive Motion Estimation on the Essential Manifold