Tahir-Kheli, Jamil
- Tahir-Kheli, Jamil (2017) Latent Room-Temperature T_c in Cuprate Superconductors; 10.48550/arXiv.1702.05001
- Crowley, Jason M. and Tahir-Kheli, Jamil, el al. (2016) Resolution of the Band Gap Prediction Problem for Materials Design; Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters; Vol. 2016; No. 7; 1198-1203; 10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b02870
- Crowley, Jason M. and Tahir-Kheli, Jamil, el al. (2015) Accurate Ab Initio Quantum Mechanics Simulations of Bi_2Se_3 and Bi_2Te_3 Topological Insulator Surfaces; Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters; Vol. 2015; No. 6; 3792-3796; 10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b01586
- Tahir-Kheli, Jamil (2013) Resistance of High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors; New Journal of Physics; Vol. 15; Art. No. 073020; 10.1088/1367-2630/15/7/073020
- Jaramillo-Botero, Andres and Tahir-Kheli, Jamil, el al. (2012) Multiscale, multiparadigm modeling for nano systems characterization and design; ISBN 9781439860151; Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering and Technology; 935-982
- Tahir-Kheli, Jamil and Goddard, William A., III (2011) Origin of the Pseudogap in High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors; Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters; Vol. 2; No. 18; 2326-2330; 10.1021/jz200916t
- Matsuda, Yuki and Tahir-Kheli, Jamil, el al. (2011) Surface and Electronic Properties of Hydrogen Terminated
Si [001] Nanowires; Journal of Physical Chemistry C; Vol. 115; No. 25; 12586-12591; 10.1021/jp106048u
- Cheng, Mu-Jeng and Nielsen, Robert J., el al. (2011) The magnetic and electronic structure of vanadyl pyrophosphate from density functional theory; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; Vol. 13; No. 20; 9831-9838; 10.1039/C0CP02777D
- Xiao, Hai and Tahir-Kheli, Jamil, el al. (2011) Accurate Band Gaps for Semiconductors from Density Functional Theory; Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters; Vol. 2; No. 3; 212-217; 10.1021/jz101565j
- Matsuda, Yuki and Tahir-Kheli, Jamil, el al. (2010) Definitive Band Gaps for Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes; Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters; Vol. 1; No. 19; 2946-2950; 10.1021/jz100889u
- Tahir-Kheli, Jamil and Goddard, William A., III (2010) Universal Properties of Cuprate Superconductors: T_c Phase Diagram, Room-Temperature Thermopower, Neutron Spin Resonance, and STM Incommensurability Explained in Terms of Chiral Plaquette Pairing; Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters; Vol. 1; No. 8; 1290-1295; 10.1021/jz100265k
- Tahir-Kheli, Jamil and Goddard, William A., III (2009) The Chiral Plaquette Polaron Paradigm (CPPP) for high temperature cuprate superconductors; Chemical Physics Letters; Vol. 472; No. 4-6; 153-165; 10.1016/j.cplett.2009.02.025
- Yam, ChiYung and Mo, Yan, el al. (2008) Dynamic admittance of carbon nanotube-based molecular electronic devices and their equivalent electric circuit; Nanotechnology; Vol. 19; No. 49; Art. No. 495203; 10.1088/0957-4484/19/49/495203
- Yam, ChiYung and Mo, Yan, el al. (2008) Equivalent electric circuit of a carbon nanotube based molecular conductor; 10.48550/arXiv.0801.3914
- Tahir-Kheli, Jamil and Goddard, William A., III (2007) Chiral plaquette polaron theory of cuprate superconductivity; Physical Review B; Vol. 76; No. 1; Art. No. 014514; 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.014514
- Kim, Yong-Hoon and Tahir-Kheli, Jamil, el al. (2006) First-principles approach to the charge-transport characteristics of monolayer molecular-electronics devices: Application to hexanedithiolate devices; Physical Review B; Vol. 73; No. 23; Art. No. 235419; 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.235419
- Gilman, Yulia and Allen, Philip B., el al. (2004) Numerical resistivity calculations for disordered three-dimensional metal models using tight-binding Hamiltonians; Physical Review B; Vol. 70; No. 22; Art. No. 224201; 10.1103/PhysRevB.70.224201
- Perry, Jason K. and Tahir-Kheli, Jamil, el al. (2002) Ab initio evidence for the formation of impurity d_(3z^2-r^2) holes in doped La_(2-x)Sr_xCuO_4; Physical Review B; Vol. 65; No. 14; Art. No. 144501; 10.1103/PhysRevB.65.144501
- Perry, Jason K. and Tahir-Kheli, Jamil, el al. (2001) Antiferromagnetic band structure of La_2CuO_4: Becke-3–Lee-Yang-Parr calculations; Physical Review B; Vol. 63; No. 14; Art. No. 144510; 10.1103/physrevb.63.144510
- Tahir-Kheli, Jamil and Goddard, William A., III (1993) Spinons and holons for the one-dimensional three-band Hubbard models of high-temperature superconductors; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 90; No. 21; 9959-9962; PMCID PMC47692; 10.1073/pnas.90.21.9959