Wade, Richard B
- Acosta, A. J. and Wade, R. B. (1968) Experimental Study of Cavitating Hydrofoils in Cascade
- Wade, R. B. and Acosta, A. J. (1967) Investigation of Cavitating Cascades; Journal of Basic Engineering; Vol. 89; No. 4; 693-702; 10.1115/1.3609687
- Acosta, A. J. and Wade, R. B. (1967) Selectively Ventilated Ring Wing Hydrofoils
- Wade, R. B. (1967) Linearized theory of a partially cavitating cascade of flat plate hydrofoils; Applied Scientific Research; Vol. 17; No. 3; 169-188; 10.1007/BF00386089
- Wade, R. B. (1967) Linearized Theory of a Partially Cavitating Plano-Convex Hydrofoil Including the Effects of Camber and Thickness; Journal of Ship Research; Vol. 11; No. 1; 20-27
- Wade, R. B. and Acosta, A. J. (1966) Experimental Observations on the Flow Past a Plano-Convex Hydrofoil; Journal of Basic Engineering; Vol. 88; No. 1; 273-282; 10.1115/1.3645828
- Wade, R. B. (1965) Experimental Study of the Effects of a Gap Clearance on the Performance of a Fully Cavitating Flat Plate with and without a Flap
- Wade, R. B. (1964) Water Tunnel Observations on the Flow Past a Plano-Convex Hydrofoil