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- Kim, Dongwan (2018) Frequency Noise Control of Heterogeneous Si/III-V Lasers ; 10.7907/Z90Z71G6
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- Vilenchik, Yaakov (2015) Narrow-Linewidth Si/III-V Lasers: a Study of Laser Dynamics and Nonlinear Effects; 10.7907/Z9513W57
- Steger, Scott Tiedeman (2014) A Fundamental Approach to Phase Noise Reduction in Hybrid Si/III-V Lasers; 10.7907/91CD-6H86
- Sendowski, Jacob Benjamin (2013) On-Chip Integrated Label-Free Optical Biosensing; 10.7907/2H9Y-AB63
- Vasilyev, Arseny (2013) The Optoelectronic Swept-Frequency Laser and Its Applications in Ranging, Three-Dimensional Imaging, and Coherent Beam Combining of Chirped-Seed Amplifiers; 10.7907/YD38-BT07
- Santis, Christos Theodoros (2013) High-Coherence Hybrid Si/III-V Semiconductor Lasers; 10.7907/M4KJ-8H56
- Liu, Hsi-Chun (2012) Theory and Experiment of Slow-Light Coupled-Resonator Structures; 10.7907/GVBF-4T29
- Satyan, Naresh (2011) Optoelectronic Control of the Phase and Frequency of Semiconductor Lasers; 10.7907/24DM-VW62
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- Zhu, Lin (2008) Photonic Crystal Bragg Lasers: Design, Fabrication, and Characterization; 10.7907/7MMN-7Q15
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