- Swanson, Erika McGoldrick (2015) Geologic Map of Meadow Valley Mountains, Nevada: Supplement 1 from "Structural and Clumped-Isotope Constraints on the Mechanisms of Displacement Along Low-Angle Detachments" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1084
- Wang, Yu (2013) Neotectonic map of Myanmar (Burma): Supplement 1 from "Earthquake geology of Myanmar" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1067
- Chapman, Alan Daniel (2012) Geologic map of the San Emigdio Mountains: Supplement 1 from "Late Cretaceous gravitational collapse of the southern Sierra Nevada batholith and adjacent areas above underplated schists, southern California" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1063
- Chapman, Alan Daniel (2012) Color contour map showing regional variations in compiled Sr i
ratios from plutonic rocks of the SNB, Salinian block, and Mojave
Desert draped over a DEM: Supplement 3 from "Late Cretaceous gravitational collapse of the southern Sierra Nevada batholith and adjacent areas above underplated schists, southern California" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1065
- Chapman, Alan Daniel (2012) Color contour map showing regional variations in compiled U-Pb
zircon ages from plutonic rocks of the SNB, Salinian block, and
Mojave Desert draped over a DEM: Supplement 2 from "Late Cretaceous gravitational collapse of the southern Sierra Nevada batholith and adjacent areas above underplated schists, southern California" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1064
- Chapman, Alan Daniel (2012) Color contour map showing regional variations in compiled Al- inhbl emplacement pressures from plutonic rocks and conventional thermobarometric pressure determinations from metamorphic rocks of the SNB, Salinian block, and Mojave Desert draped over a DEM: Supplement 4 from "Late Cretaceous gravitational collapse of the southern Sierra Nevada batholith and adjacent areas above underplated schists, southern California" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1066
- Nadin, Elisabeth Sophia (2007) Geologic map of metamorphic pendant rocks and their bounding igneous intrusions, Walker Basin to Durrwood Creek, Kern County, Sierra Nevada, CA: Supplement 1 from "Structure and history of the Kern Canyon fault system, southern Sierra Nevada, California" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1045
- Dmochowski, Jane Ellen (2005) Twenty-eight images of MASTER VNIR-SWIR data from the Tres Virgenes-La Reforma region, Baja California, Mexico: Supplement 1 from "Application of MODIS-ASTER (Master) simulator data to geological mapping of young volcanic regions in Baja California, Mexico" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1051
- Dmochowski, Jane Ellen (2005) Twenty-eight images of MASTER TIR data from the Tres Virgenes-La Reforma region, Baja California, Mexico: Supplement 2 from "Application of MODIS-ASTER (Master) simulator data to geological mapping of young volcanic regions in Baja California, Mexico" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1052
- Zeng, Lingsen (2004) Geologic map of the Goat Ranch area, Southern Sierra Nevada, California: Supplement 1 from "Non-modal partial melting of metasedimentary pendants in the southern Sierra Nevada and implications for the deep origin of within-pluton isotopic heterogeneity" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1742
- Natawidjaja, Danny Hilman (2003) The Sumatran Fault System, Indonesia: Supplement 1 from "Neotectonics of the Sumatran fault and paleogeodesy of the Sumatran subduction zone" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1074
- Oskin, Michael Eugene (2002) Geologic map of Cinco Isla, Baja California: Supplement 5 from "Part I. Tectonic evolution of the northern Gulf of California, Mexico, deduced from conjugate rifted margins of the Upper Delfin Basin. Part II. Active folding and seismic hazard in central Los Angeles, California" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1057
- Niemi, Nathan Alan (2002) Geologic Map of the Central Grapevine Mountains: Supplement 1 from "Extensional tectonics in the Basin and Range province and the geology of the Grapevine Mountains, Death Valley region, California and Nevada" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.841
- Oskin, Michael Eugene (2002) Cross-sections to accompany: Geologic map of western Isla Tiburón, Sonora, Mexico: Supplement 6 from "Part I. Tectonic evolution of the northern Gulf of California, Mexico, deduced from conjugate rifted margins of the Upper Delfin Basin. Part II. Active folding and seismic hazard in central Los Angeles, California" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1058
- Oskin, Michael Eugene (2002) Geologic map of western Isla Tiburón – Northern section: Supplement 2 from "Part I. Tectonic evolution of the northern Gulf of California, Mexico, deduced from conjugate rifted margins of the Upper Delfin Basin. Part II. Active folding and seismic hazard in central Los Angeles, California" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1054
- Oskin, Michael Eugene (2002) Geologic map of a part of central coastal Sonora, Mexico: Supplement 1 from "Part I. Tectonic evolution of the northern Gulf of California, Mexico, deduced from conjugate rifted margins of the Upper Delfin Basin. Part II. Active folding and seismic hazard in central Los Angeles, California" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1053
- Oskin, Michael Eugene (2002) Geologic map of western Isla Tiburón – Southern section: Supplement 4 from "Part I. Tectonic evolution of the northern Gulf of California, Mexico, deduced from conjugate rifted margins of the Upper Delfin Basin. Part II. Active folding and seismic hazard in central Los Angeles, California" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1056
- Oskin, Michael Eugene (2002) Geologic map of western Isla Tiburón – Central section: Supplement 3 from "Part I. Tectonic evolution of the northern Gulf of California, Mexico, deduced from conjugate rifted margins of the Upper Delfin Basin. Part II. Active folding and seismic hazard in central Los Angeles, California" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1055
- Spotila, James Anthony (1999) Map of the drainage system atop the San Bernardino Mountains: Supplement 3 from "The neotectonics of the San Bernardino Mountains and adjacent San Andreas Fault : a case study of uplift associated with strike-slip fault systems" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1745
- Spotila, James Anthony (1999) Data showing the elevation of granitic basement in the Mojave Desert: Supplement 6 from "The neotectonics of the San Bernardino Mountains and adjacent San Andreas Fault : a case study of uplift associated with strike-slip fault systems" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1748
- Spotila, James Anthony (1999) Map of the weathered surface and Tertiary units of the San Bernardino Mountains; The distribution of Quaternary deposits in the area of the San Bernardino Mountains; The distribution of non-plutonic bedrock in the San Bernardino Mountains: Supplement 1 from "The neotectonics of the San Bernardino Mountains and adjacent San Andreas Fault : a case study of uplift associated with strike-slip fault systems" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1743
- Spotila, James Anthony (1999) Structure contour diagram of the weathered surface atop the San Bernardino Mountains: Supplement 5 from "The neotectonics of the San Bernardino Mountains and adjacent San Andreas Fault : a case study of uplift associated with strike-slip fault systems" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1747
- Spotila, James Anthony (1999) Structure contour diagram of the elevation of basement in the Mojave Desert: Supplement 7 from "The neotectonics of the San Bernardino Mountains and adjacent San Andreas Fault : a case study of uplift associated with strike-slip fault systems" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1749
- Abolins, Mark Joseph (1999) Geologic map of the northwestern Spring Mountains, Nevada (part 1): Supplement 1 from "I. Stratigraphic constraints on the number of discrete neoproterozoic glaciations and the relationship between glaciation and ediacaran evolution. II. The Kwichup Spring thrust in the northwestern Spring Mountains, Nevada : implications for large-magnitude extension and the structure of the Cordilleran thrust belt" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1137
- Spotila, James Anthony (1999) Reproduction of the northern half of Dibblee's (1967) geologic map of the Morongo Valley Quadrangle: Supplement 4 from "The neotectonics of the San Bernardino Mountains and adjacent San Andreas Fault : a case study of uplift associated with strike-slip fault systems" (Thesis); CaltechDATA; 10.22002/D1.1746