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- Reed, Laura K (2025-02-13) Model: Gene model for the ortholog of mts in Drosophila mojavensis; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/ebd92-xae03
- Rele, Chinmay P. (2025-02-04) Model: Gene model for the ortholog of Roc1a in Drosophila mojavensis; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/t53jr-79t54
- Reed, Laura K (2025-01-07) Model: Gene model for the ortholog of Glys in Drosophila simulans; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/ywzts-78198
- Reed, Laura K (2025-01-07) Model: Gene model for the ortholog of eIF4E1 in Drosophila ananassae; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/shrpz-9cp23
- Reed, Laura K (2024-12-23) Model: Gene model for the ortholog of eIF4E1 in Drosophila yakuba; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/hx6n6-een12
- Reed, Laura K (2024-12-05) Model: Gene model for the ortholog of Glys in Drosophila yakuba; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/171sf-ny118
- Reed, Laura K. (2024-12-01) Model: Gene model for the ortholog of Dsor1 in Drosophila persimilis; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/nn290-0wx55
- Reed, Laura K (2024-11-30) Model: Gene model for the ortholog of Ilp5 in Drosophila ananassae; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/56zzc-nhb19
- Reed, Laura K (2024-11-18) Model: Gene model for the ortholog of ImpL2 in Drosophila simulans; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/ffnsa-1r156
- Rele, Chinmay P. (2024-10-21) Model: Gene model for the ortholog of DENR in Drosophila yakuba; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/bg0b6-1z133
- Rele, Chinmay P. (2024-08-26) Model: Gene model for the ortholog of Pten in Drosophila miranda; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/fayvg-4kv33
- Rele, Chinmay P. (2024-07-29) Model: Gene model for the ortholog of Myc in Drosophila eugracilis; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/wtccf-p2596
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- McClean, Megan (2024-01-30) Model: Enhancing High-throughput optogenetics: Integration of LITOS with Lustro enables simultaneous light stimulation and shaking; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/sgaw9-y0e08
- McClean, Megan (2024-01-30) Model: Enhancing High-throughput optogenetics: Integration of LITOS with Lustro enables simultaneous light stimulation and shaking; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/15w7z-cwt37
- Jones, Ryan J.R. (2023-10-16) Accelerated Durability Screening System CAD Model; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/m6btr-szr71
- Fingerut, Jonathan (2023-09-21) Model: An easy and inexpensive method for determining the rate of individual phoretic events of nematodes; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/q6bjx-ybr45
- Chokechaipaisarn, Chedhawat (2023-06-16) Model: A simulation test of the prediction that density-dependent dispersal promotes female-biased sex allocation in viscous populations; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/rnzse-p0686
- Chokechaipaisarn, Chedhawat (2023-06-16) Model: A simulation test of the prediction that density-dependent dispersal promotes female-biased sex allocation in viscous populations; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/17pny-n3v48
- Rele, Chinmay P. (2022-11-10) Model: Drosophila mojavensis – chico; CaltechDATA; 10.22002/n7ehe-xej65