@other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/ey0jy-65y60, title = "Software: MicroBundlePillarTrack: A Python package for automated segmentation, tracking, and analysis of pillar deflection in cardiac microbundles", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/ey0jy-65y60", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/ey0jy-65y60" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/qnfze-fgg96, title = {Computer Code for "Quadratic-soliton-enhanced mid-IR molecular sensing"}, publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/qnfze-fgg96", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/qnfze-fgg96" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/emasj-np244, title = {Supporting data and codes for "Bursts of fast propagating swarms of induced earthquakes at the Groningen gas field"}, publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/emasj-np244", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/emasj-np244" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/239fa-2my88, title = "caltechdata\_api – Bug fix release", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/239fa-2my88", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/239fa-2my88" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/4sm2w-br988, title = "MATLAB linear stability codes for J. O. Dabiri and A. Leonard, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2024", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/4sm2w-br988", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/4sm2w-br988" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/qkm6q-09336, title = "Popstar – Release 0.0.3", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/qkm6q-09336", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/qkm6q-09336" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/0qcyc-93t57, title = "XCO2 diurnal cycles from machine learning", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/0qcyc-93t57", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/0qcyc-93t57" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/1grz6-r9689, title = "ts\_dataset – Proof of concept", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/1grz6-r9689", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/1grz6-r9689" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/sspxt-tst47, title = "Software: Virtual Orientation Tools (VOTj): A Fiji plugins for object centering and alignment", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/sspxt-tst47", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/sspxt-tst47" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/6scpz-br614, title = "LunarTrailblazr/HVM3-Thermal-Correction – Release 1.0", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/6scpz-br614", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/6scpz-br614" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/x9vay-n4x27, title = "InvenioRDM GitHub Archiver (IGA) – Release 1.3.0", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/x9vay-n4x27", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/x9vay-n4x27" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/5nghh-75k34, title = "ames – Bug fix release", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/5nghh-75k34", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/5nghh-75k34" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/rvssp-cnd53, title = "irdm-queue-portal – Bug fix release", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/rvssp-cnd53", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/rvssp-cnd53" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/catyq-fxd56, title = "Data processing code for Orbitrap isotope ratio measurements on n-alkanes", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/catyq-fxd56", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/catyq-fxd56" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/s5xsr-y8x98, title = "TCCON/py-ginput – ginput v1.2.0 release", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/s5xsr-y8x98", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/s5xsr-y8x98" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/98ar6-d3v87, title = "Software: OptoChamber: A Low-cost, Easy-to-Make, Customizable, and Multi-Chambered Electronic Device for Applying Optogenetic Stimulation to Larval Drosophila melanogaster", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/98ar6-d3v87", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/98ar6-d3v87" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/qemqk-rgq45, title = {Atmospheric spectra plots from "Opinion: Optimizing climate models with process-knowledge, resolution, and AI", Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2024}, publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/qemqk-rgq45", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/qemqk-rgq45" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/xxrmh-a5084, title = "tulip-control/gr1c – v0.13.2", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/xxrmh-a5084", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/xxrmh-a5084" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/hy6ag-xw238, title = "Waystation – Version 1.6", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2024", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/hy6ag-xw238", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/hy6ag-xw238" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/yrw4m-1v626, title = "irdm\_harvester – Updated error handling and ORCID mapping", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2023", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/yrw4m-1v626", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/yrw4m-1v626" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/tdng7-twd27, title = "ltsypin/Cportucalensis\_genetic\_mech – v1.0.0", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2023", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/tdng7-twd27", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/tdng7-twd27" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/4x5vx-7tb44, title = "foliage – Release 1.7.1", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2023", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/4x5vx-7tb44", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/4x5vx-7tb44" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/423ff-szp94, title = "foliage – Release 1.7.1", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2023", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/423ff-szp94", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/423ff-szp94" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/ke80f-8ac39, title = "Software: Easy C. elegans Worm Lifespan Plotting and Statistics with WLSplot", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2023", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/ke80f-8ac39", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/ke80f-8ac39" } @other{https://data.caltech.edu/records/q2984-04886, title = "HELAO-async", publisher = "CaltechDATA", year = "2023", url = "https://data.caltech.edu/records/q2984-04886", id = "record", doi = "10.22002/q2984-04886" }