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Creating a list of recent articles from JSON feed using an person id

Whay you need to know to get started

  1. Know the persond ID, we’ll be using Newman-D-K in our example
  2. Find your feed on
    • E.g. for Newman-D-K the URL would be
  3. Decide which feed you want to include in your webpage
    • Articles, e.g.
    • Combined Publications, e.g.
    • Recent Articles, e.g.
    • Recent Combined Publications, e.g.
  4. In your web page include the JavaScript library
  5. Adjust the example SCRIPT element to reflect your person ID, feed type and formatting you’d like in your web page.

Example for Newman-D-K

Below is a HTML fragment that you could include in a web page to include recent articles titles for the person id Newman-D-K based on the JSON version of the feed.

    <div id="recent-articles">
    Recent articles go here if JavaScript worked!
    <script src=""></script>
    let recent_articles = document.getElementById("recent-articles");
    CL.getPeopleJSON("Newman-D-K", "recent/article", function(articles, err) {
        if (err != "") {
            console.log("ERROR", err);
        articles.forEach(function(article) {
            var elem = document.createElement("div"),
                h1 = document.createElement("h1"),
                anchor = document.createElement("a"),
                div = document.createElement("div");
            /* Setup to style our elements with CSS classes */
            /* Not layout our data in our elements */
            anchor.setAttribute("href", article.official_url);
            anchor.innerHTML = article.title;
            div.innerHTML = article.abstract;
            /* Finally add our composit element to the list */

That example is rendered below–

See Recent Articles go here if JavaScript worked!